Robin Williams Was the First Person to Visit Christopher Reeve in the Hospital and Made Him Laugh by Pretending to Be a Russian Colon Doctor

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. > “Robin was dad’s best friend, and you show up for your friends,” Will said, adding that Williams and Reeve called each other “brother.”

    > “Our dad and Robin had a singular bond,” Will added. “They had a friendship that someone should make a movie about, but what shone through in that was just their love and respect for each other, and that never wavered…No one was better at showing up with love and with the right dose of humor than Robin Williams and his wife Marsha, who we call our fairy godmother. We are still so incredibly close with her.”

  2. I’ll file this information under “things that don’t surprise me in the least”. What a guy, man.

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