Selena Gomez Can’t Carry Children (People are CRUEL)

Selena Gomez Can’t Carry Children (People are CRUEL)

Selena Gomez opens up about being unable to carry her Own children and the response was totally uncalled for..

let me know in the comments

#SelenaGomez #SpillPlug


  1. That’s not true. A person with a kidney transplant can live up to 70-80 years. Less if your abusing or on drugs then it significantly lowers to between 50-65 years old. She was 25 when she had it so that’s 45-55 years not 30. Unless she plans on destroying her kidney?

  2. I am so tired of people saying this is for drama. Just because you think you can do it doesn’t mean you are her doctors. She has one kidney, lupus, and bipolar disorder ? So many medications that you can’t or don’t want to have kids. A lot of people with mental health issues don’t want to genetically pass it on either. It’s heartbreaking to even admit to yourself you can’t do what others can do easily. The girls girls movement is just another mean girls trend.

  3. I also suffer from Bipolar Disorder 2. I can have kids, I just have to navigate being off my anti-psychotic medicines while pregnant. It’s possible

    I can’t speak on the Lupus, however

  4. This is why I don't really see myself to have kids. I also have health conditions. This isn't Selena's problem if people got bother by her not able to have kids.

  5. I’m not the biggest fan of Selena, she has a history of throwing rocks and then hiding her hand. BUT this is why celebrities stop being vulnerable because when they are people reply with cruelty. People that have made fun of her for this are disgusting. She seems to be in a much better place mentally and people are just tryna drag her back down.

  6. for a bunch of you weirdos in the comment section, selena was asked by gq about her future and kids and she answered the question accordingly so while being on a press tour for her new upcoming movie.

  7. Selena is just answering questions she is being asked lol did some of y'all watch the video or just assume? Also, it’s not just her lupus and kidney transplant but her being bipolar. Whether she chooses to have kids with Benny or adopt on her own, I wish her the best.

  8. It’s because of the timing… the timing is very obvious and you cannot deny looks like she did this to either to cause conflict, to get people to attack Haley, which is exactly what is happening, and the put light back at her since people were showing Haley a lot of attention after having her child. It can also make Selena look very salty , she’s not happy that Haley is having a baby and with Justin so this is the perfect time to release information like this . I thought Selena was better than this. Better than releasing information like this right after Haley gives birth because she had to have known what this was going to do and now a woman who should be enjoying life with her newborn baby is being attacked over another woman who can’t have kids and that is somehow Hailey Bieber’s fault.How dare Haley get pregnant because Selena cant, what a selfish woman. Crazy!

  9. The angry Hailey fans needs to keep that same energy to the publisher who decided to release at said time 😑 They seem to forget that Selena just shows up, answers questions, then leaves. Regardless, nobody deserves those comments.

  10. i’ve never been more convinced that hailey bieber’s fans are Selena Gomez haters and not actually there for the celeb. 1. they did this during their pregnancy announcement, birth announcement, wedding and now this. 2. hailey has not achieved or done absolutely anything to earn a fanbase so where are they coming from? they have to be coming from somewhere.

  11. regardless of the same haters crying in the corner. props to Selena Gomez for being vulnerable on this topic! as a woman, I know it’s a very sensitive, important issue most of us have either gone through or had a possible chance of going through and get shied away from speaking up on it. i hope she is doing great as well as anyone here 💝

  12. She can always adopt and hire a surrogate. But she is dramatic as always!
    Also announcing this right after Hailey Bieber gave birth is so strategic. She cannot give up her victim status.

  13. It breaks my heart that there are so many people in this world that are absolutely disgusting horrible individuals I actually liked both Selena and Haley I think that both of these women have been bullied they've been pitted against one another there are even several who are taking up for Selena in this post alone in the comments section and are saying horrible things about Haley I want those people to understand that you are the problem with the world quit comparing one woman to another woman every woman in this world is different no matter how Selena is able to have a child I do understand that that child will probably be the luckiest child in the world because this girl loves with her whole heart from what we see I don't know how she is in private I've never met her

  14. She told Justin that that's why he chose Hayley. But every time I said something everybody was like. Oh that doesn't mean that she can't have kids. She can't have kids. It's painful quit telling her she looks pregnant she can't get pregnant.

  15. This also isn’t the first time, she’s talked about it for years interviewers just keep asking her about it. Also, for clarification technically yes she can have kids she isn’t infertile however she would need to change multiple medications and be under constant observation from doctors and I think she would rather be safe and sorry.

  16. Well of course cause Hailey is a terrible little girl and her fans are even worse! Who cares let them show their true colors. Selena's happy and I'm loving seeing it! Finally cause she deserves it! Least she's in a healthy relationship and is doing good and that her man doesn't have a secret Kardashian child lmao!

  17. Didn’t finish the video but I kind of feel bad for not caring as hard. I’m not saying it’s not a sympathetic situation. I’m not saying that many women can’t relate to her. But like — in this day and age, when you have that much money, when you have the ability to hire a very supportive team who can monitor your health and you have a supportive family — it’s kind of hard to care as much? I don’t know if I can truly say my entire feelings or thoughts without being misunderstood or needing a novel but when you have the means to take other paths and choose other doors to make your dreams come true, it’s kind of not news. It’s not a I can’t have children and can never afford treatment, a surrogate, to adopt or IVF, etc. scenario. That doesn’t mean it’s not sad or her feelings aren’t valid, but my heart isn’t breaking for her the way it would break for someone else who is being denied the ability to adopt or foster while being infertile and unable to spend money on treatments because they have enough money to raise a child but would lose it all if they spent it on treatments. I have a friend who really wanted to have a child and spent upwards of $300k on IVF. She and the partner are struggling a bit with money now and don’t regret their decisions, which is nice. But they are pinching a lot more than before cause they also have to pay for the house and car and their additional costs. She wouldn’t be in that kind of boat.

  18. I was told at 18 it would be difficult for me to carry full term. It destroyed me. I've always wanted to be a mom. Even being the oldest of 7, i still wanted to be a mom. My man and I have been together for 14 years. Ive.had a few miscarriages so I wasn't getting my hopes up and wasn't telling him when I would find out I was pregnant, just in case. We were blessed 5 years ago with a pregnancy that I was able to carry to full term. I didn't find out I was pregnant til I was 4 months 2 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I was shocked, excited, terrified, and mad. My daughter is now 4yo and she's my ENTIRE world and I cherish every single moment, the good and the bad.

    I say this all to say, don't lose hope and keep your options wide open. ❤❤❤

  19. I am not a fan of any couples but this interview is planned for empowering Selena’s everlasting victim mentality …
    After Justin became a father? You want to tell me she’s not manipulating the situation for ruining their happiness?!
    It’s her pattern. She already knew her problem as a lupus patient.
    All of them are just weirdos . She, justin, hailey. But this pattern of covert narcissism. Ugh 😣

  20. Even though she said this those disgusting trolls are going to keep mocking her for not being able to carry her own child (people on social media are f*cking evil) karma will get them back (trust me!!!!)

  21. And I find it funny how Hailey told her fans not to say bad things about anyone in an Instagram post once (yet they continue to do so) maybe she needs to readdress this matter? (If not, I guess she doesn’t really care) it’s absolutely despicable (the names they call her) but I blame Justin more than anything (because he just sits there and lets his fans call her Lupuslena instead of trying to gather them himself) so I guess Justin is just a big bully his own self 😕🤷🏻‍♀️

  22. People commenting vile and disgusting things like that really need to take a break from the internet. Selena and Justin haven't been together for years they both moved on they're both happy why can't people just let it be. I think it's wonderful that Hailey and Justin had a beautiful baby boy and it's devastating for Selena that she can't carry her own baby. I'm struggling with fertility issues of my own right now & it's terrible. The mental, emotional and physical toll it takes on your body and mind is horrible and devastating. You blame yourself and no matter how many times people tell you it's not your fault, deep down you don't believe them & it takes a lot of hard work to accept. I still have hope of carrying my own child. She dosent. People need to learn to be more kind. You never know what people care going through and struggling with. I feel for her. I'm happy for Justin and Hailey & Selena & Benny it's possible to be both at the same time. Sending love light and prayers to Selena and Benny and Hailey, Justin and baby Jack Blues ❤

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