James McAvoy says Joaquin Phoenix almost started in M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘SPLIT,’ but backed out shortly before filming. “I think he ditched it two weeks before shooting. It was really last minute.”

Posted by mcfw31


  1. NotAsBrightlyLit on

    Wait – so Phoenix would have had McAvoy’s role?!? Oh hell no. There’s no way he would have done it justice. And he couldn’t have come close to doing it as well as McAvoy. I also can’t see the rest of the cast putting up with his bullshit, either.

    I see we’re firmly establishing that Joaquin bails on film productions at the last minute on the regular though. Good luck with that rep, dude.

  2. “After countless producers kept mispronouncing his name, Phoenix stormed off the set, shouting, ‘I’m walking!'”

  3. CraftyRatio4492 on

    Does he have an anxiety issue or something? It’s certainly giving me that impression.

    But with this in mind, I cannot help but think most actors would do this once and be blacklisted or have less opportunities if there was no credible reason cited for his departure.

  4. so he has a habit of backing out of roles right when they are about to shoot?? and he’s still able to get work after???

  5. That was a close call. Thank f*** JP didn’t get it. The last film I mildly enjoyed JP in was Johnny Cash, but I think he may have just been playing himself. i don’t know enough about the real Johnny Cash to know if JP did him justice, or if JP just acted normally. But James McAvoy was outstanding in Split. Completely freaked me out

  6. good cuz james mcavoy was amazing in split. no one could have done it better.

    otherwise, phoenix needs to figure his shit out bc anxiety isn’t an excuse to keep flaking on people, esp those that are counting on you.

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