With the Snow White 2025 trailer now out and already creating massive backlash for the walt disney company and disney ceo bob iger….those like Rahcel Zegler and Gal Gadot have been involved in endless drama ever since the woke snow white trailer dropped and caused so much drama behind the scenes……one serious development going on right now involves what gal recently did to rachel zegler as the snow white live action remake drama worsens!

Music in the outro is by Benn Down The Divider (Reprise) from his Zombies III Album.

Animated Intro Designed by



  1. I have to say I may not always agree with the popular opinions. For example I love Frozen, Lion King, and the OG Snow White to the point to where all 3 are in my Top 10 Disney Films. But there are plenty of popular ones I hate like 1989 Little Mermaid. But I would never lash out the way Racheal has been doing to those who don't like her version of Snow White. But I would never attack fans of something I don't like. They have their right to like or not like something, just as I do

  2. How to write a good female character

    Step 1: Make a good character

    Done. Seriously though. Gender, race, sexuality, etc. It should not be the selling point. The best way to write a good female character is to do the same thing as make
    I A good male one. Just write a good character. Man, Woman, Black, White, Straight, Gay, etc. It does not matter. The writing is what makes a good character

  3. Zegler's a "strong independent modern woman". She'll be fine without the potential millions she lost. "Strong" women like her should have no trouble getting new gigs.

  4. I wish that “Disney” would cancel “Snow Brown and the Seven Magical Creatures,” and go back to 2D animated fairy tale movies already. Also, I would like to see “Wish” remade, only, this time, going with the original concept.

  5. I wish that “Disney” would cancel “Snow Brown and the Seven Magical Creatures,” and go back to 2D animated fairy tale movies already. Also, I would like to see “Wish” remade, only, this time, going with the original concept.

  6. I wish that “Disney” would cancel “Snow Brown and the Seven Magical Creatures,” and go back to 2D animated fairy tale movies already. Also, I would like to see “Wish” remade, only, this time, going with the original concept.

  7. I wish that “Disney” would cancel “Snow Brown and the Seven Magical Creatures,” and go back to 2D animated fairy tale movies already. Also, I would like to see “Wish” remade, only, this time, going with the original concept.

  8. I was never "scared" of Snow White growing up, now I realize I am far to "weird" or maybe even too"fratty" for what they are pushing….I will never see it and will love the original.

  9. Hate to break this to zegler, but Gadot still has a career. How about you? Love when those that coddle stupid woke children have their idiocy turn around and destroy them. Should have just stuck to the original. Disney is done and I'm loving it.

  10. All I want is to see Ziegler cry…that’s all. I just wanna see her upset🤷‍♂️..makes me a shitty person kinda but some people deserve to be unhappy, she is one. Her misery brings a lot of people joy… also gal backing out of everything was the smartest choice for her to make…Mon mentality will mark you guilty by association, she seen that and doesn’t want to be associated with zieglers opinions.

  11. Ziegler insults Gadot and Gadot has absolutely no choice over the country where she is born. Ziegler is really, really a narc. She should be blacklisted, she deserves it. That was cruel.

  12. They need to bring in non-money hungry executives. They need to bring in smart executives that know what they are doing.
    Take advice of how they did Sleeping Beauty.
    No race swapping, no gender swapping. They added them to the film..
    it made 1.2 billion world wide.

    You want minorities? add them to the plotline don't race swap.

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