Second photo: With dad David, sister Olivia, and brother Dylan holding a mystery (to me) child

(Google says they have a younger brother Henry but isn’t he older? Idk how children age 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Third photo: A Toyota that knows how to find its light, just like Tyra taught us

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    I thought Dylan was Zac’s only sibling. I know this is a photoshoot but he looks like a sweet older brother.

  2. thedennissystem92 on

    Why have I never seen his dad and why is he so attractive?! lol I’ve heard Zac talk about his little sister a few times, it seems like he’s a very sweet big brother.

    Also OP, the Toyota truck finding its light comment…. 💀🤣🤣

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