THR: Why Hollywood Keeps Quitting on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Posted by hoppip_olla


  1. ScientistFit9929 on

    I may not be a fan of them, but I’m less of the fan of the press who clearly hates her. People leave jobs, and surely, there was and nda when all these people left.

  2. I don’t follow these two like that….how much have they been trying to make it into hollywood? All I know was the podcasts and I think having producing deals? And a jam company? lol

  3. Intelligent_Buyer516 on

    Here’s the thing you if people want to make them not relevant stop talking about them. The public
    Will decide if they want to support them or not. If the answer is no, then they won’t get any more deals. I just don’t get why I constantly see articles about them.

  4. Ill_Discussion7528 on

    I still get annoyed that they lambast her for sending emails at 5 am. As someone who also gets up and starts working very early, I do the same. But I don’t expect to be answered right away – people can respond at whatever time they see fit.

    I know it’s different being royalty, and who knows what was exactly said in those emails, but I still think it’s mostly projection – that she sent an email at 5, so people think she needed an answer at 5:01. But most of us who are working that early recognize that we won’t get a reply for a couple of hours at least. (Conversely, I stop working at like 3 pm and don’t feel bad about it. Those late afternoon emails can wait til the next day.)

  5. I have my doubts about the bullying behavior- I think we would have seen more concrete evidence. Someone would be willing to actually go on the record by now.

    I do believe they’re not really interested in listening to advice they don’t agree with though-the American Riviera Orchard roll out has definitely been wonky for example

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