“The big reason is I have three children in college,” he said. “I will whore myself because I have to pay for their college.”

“People say, ‘Why do you take that? Didn’t you know it was terrible?’ I took it because it’s not on my shoulders,” said Kind to Vulture. “I’m an actor for hire. That’s what I do. They’re paying me, it will give me fame, and it might lead to other work — those are the reasons I take it. I wish I could say that the challenge was the greatest reason, but it’s because parts are offered to me and I like to act. I’ll pretty much take 93 percent of jobs.”

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. satelliteridesastar on

    Richard Kind is a treasure. He’s always been the hypochondriac patient on Scrubs to me, because that’s the first role I remember seeing him in. But the fact that I remember a small recurring role over a handful of scattered episodes in a 20 year old sitcom just speaks to how memorable even his smallest performances are.

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