TikTok Link HERE

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    Good on him for calling that cesspit CDAN out, they are vile and spread the most dangerous and disgusting rumours about people. They are also extremely homophobic and lean heavily towards QAnon and other extreme conspiracies. I’m not sure what’s going on but he is the second person to go after them directly today as Flavor Flav did so earlier.I hope this leads to more celebs pushing back on their fabrications and suing the owner directly to get that platform shut down for good because people are gullible and they are spreading misinformation constantly.

  2. AquaStarRedHeart on

    Why is CDAN a thing again?

    Tiktok feels like it’s really taking us back in time. In a bad way.

  3. I’m so sick of how popular blinds have gotten thanks to tiktok – it felt like they were finally dying out for a while before their recent surge in popularity. And people just buy them at face value now and act like they’re not literally made up, it’s so frustrating.

    I’m glad Troye spoke up on this but it’s so frustrating he’d even have to, since no one should be giving these any kind of attention anyway.

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