Gal Gadot PUNISHED by Disney Amid Woke Snow White BACKLASH

In this video, we dive into the heated drama between Gal Gadot and Disney after the studio decided to scrap what she considers her best performance in the upcoming Snow White movie. After some negative feedback, Disney had her re-film the scene in a watered-down version, leaving Gadot furious. The Wonder Woman star reportedly clashed with the writers and execs, even warning she might skip promoting the film if they mess it up. Join us as we break down the showdown between Gadot and Disney, right here on Woke Informant. Let’s get started!


  1. 1:09 I feel from the body language that these two women cannot stand each other; and both smiles are as fake as snake oil. I'm not making any assumptions about who's at fault but Rachel is the one who has come across as extremely bratty and tone deaf in interviews so naturally the finger of suspicion is leaning her way.

  2. I could guarantee you that if these people that openly say they are pushing the gay agenda formed their own company, they would tank. If they weren't hiding behind the well-established Disney brand name, they would never make it on their own.

  3. So, the Snow White needs the Evil Queen to be a bit less attractive in the trailer?
    Did the mirror on the wall tell her the truth that she isn't the fairest?
    And what is she gonna do about it, serve her mom a poisoned apple?
    Who knows, as born-to-lead boss girl, she might order the dwarfs to kill for her.

  4. NO, they are NOT evolving with the times. They are trying to pander to about 2% of the population while alienating the other 98% who cares. They have not read their audience or listened to the majority of their fan base. They are just willy-nilly doing this shit without any regard for the consequences. Any "A-Lister" actor or actress should steer clear of Disney as they are Thelma & Louis'ing themselves right off the cliff. And I've never in my life hoped more for a company to fail as I am right now with Disney.

  5. in my appion. The only way disney can safe snow white is to scrap it all and re make it from the ground up with actors and actress fitting the orginel snow white. if they get back lash from investers or who ever it is trying to holds the biggest wallet for the movie to be made a simpel qustion need to be asked. Do you want to make a quick buk right here and now or a huge amount of money over time?

  6. I hope Gal Gadot walks from this film she deserves better. If you want to make woke ideological films, Disney, then go make them but leave the beloved films alone but they won't because Disney are devoid of serious talent thanks to that Bob!

  7. Bob Iger is just a fool, a control freak and doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just a former weatherman who got lucky in climbing the rank of ABC showbiz. He's no visionary or dreamer like Walt Disney. All he knows is only buying other IPs and claiming them under the Disney name like Fox. He can't bring anything original, so all he does is approve pre-existing IPs with sequels and prequels.

  8. Isn't it neat? "We want to increase gay representation because that will draw a bigger audience. People will only consume our entertainment when they can see themselves on the screen."

    What happened? Did the last ten Disney movies draw in 200% or 20% of the anticipated crowd? "Sound of Freedom" can be plastered with the groomer label. How did that movie fare against Girl Boss Helena in "Dial of Destney?" Did representation make "the Acolyte" more popular? Perhaps Team Disney is correct–people will only watch movies when they can see themselves on screen. With an all-gay cast of characters those naughty straight people have the excuse of "I don't see myself on the screen, and you said I have to
    be on-screen to be part of the audience. I'm just obeying your commands."

    Or as the old Toyota ad went, "you asked for it…"

    Sounds like Mickey Mouse needs a new marketing team, one that says, "let's do what works."

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