Rebel Ridge Director Jeremy Saulnier on the Very Real, ‘Very Unjust’ Police Tactic the Film Exposes

Posted by Luridley3000


  1. For those that didn’t watch the Last Week Tonight segment on this years ago. Civil Asset Forfeiture is real. The cops stole a house from an elderly couple because their son used to be a drug addict and so they said he was cooking drugs there even though he wasn’t. And they had to go to court to fight it out with the police. But it wasn’t them fighting but their house that was “under arrest”. And so you are fighting in this tiny court with the cops and their friendly judges who all benefit from that money.

    The margarita machine is 100% real event where a cop used stolen money to buy a margarita machine and when asked by the town on video he said they needed it for morale or some nonsense. He said that money was just to buy “fun” things they don’t need but want.

  2. Was a good movie, I lost it at the line “I think he’s on the Wikipedia page”. You just knew then that shit was about to go down.

  3. Whydoyouwannaknowbro on

    The cinematography was good. The story could have been better, so it was a thumbs down for me. The actor is great though, hope to see more from him.

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