Eugene and Dan Levy Reflect on ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Emmy Sweep: ‘I Don’t Think Any of Us Genuinely Saw That Coming’

    Posted by cmaia1503

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    1. > “We had broken through at that point, and that was the big deal for us, simply having the nominations, and the fact that we were all nominated as actors for the first time,” Dan said. “We had a little moment before walking into the tent of just how wonderful it all was, expecting nothing. Then the night unfolded the way that it did. I don’t think any of us genuinely saw that coming.”

      > “It’s kind of burned into our memory,” said Eugene. “That was a pretty exceptionally outstanding night, the kind of night you don’t have too many times in your life. It was a fun night, considering COVID had taken over the world. It was odd and wonderful.”

      > Expanding on this sentiment, Dan added, “It’s a night that literally nobody had had before. It was incredible. I remember walking to the tent we had rigged to house us all, walking with Annie and sort of glancing over at her and having a flash to our first day on set. I told her that I was picturing our first day and how strange and wonderful our path was.”

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