Donald Trump Takes Aim At Taylor Swift After She Endorses Kamala Harris

    Former President Donald Trump is taking aim at Taylor Swift in a Truth Social post writing, “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!” While no further context was provided for the comment, it comes after she publicly endorsed Kamala Harris for President.


    1. Trump don’t comment on anything people like her says, that’s playing their silly game.? Ignore her and people just like her, people know what she is without you getting involved. Trust your fans to handle her.?

    2. And no effs were given by Miss Swift. An 80 year old man jealous of a young pop singer. Is this the person who should have the nuclear codes? Trump has LOST IT. He’s paling around with goth girl Laura Loomer, a woman Swift's age. Their hands all over each other. This IS NOT who we want representing us as a country.

    3. Yep social media at its finest. All it causes is hate between Americans. Glad when this country goes to 💩 I can easily claim my other country. We are a laughing stock even a third world country knows about these little fights between Trump and Harris. Both are clowns.

    4. she doesn’t give two craps about or what he says. She can’t stand him and with good reason, she can’t stand everything he represents and with good reason, most of us can’t , he’s a horrible human being And a terrible leader !

    5. Hate is a harsh word coming from a former president wanting to run for office again. Why does he still get to blurt out anything out of his mouth and get away with it huh is my question shut his social media down he obviously can't handle it. Unstable he's looking if another president said I hate Taylor Swift in capital letters they would get kicked off the panel but yet he's still here those words saids alot ok. Be careful who you vote for remember the actions of another and when it comes time to vote you will already know who stay aware,stay updated our lives depend on it.

    6. Everyone who finds him despicable needs to vote. If you don’t, you will help him be elected by your inaction. So for all the people saying. How gross he is, take it to the ballot and prevent him from taking over the rest of us

    7. Think about any of the adult people you know and how many of them would be childish enough to say this “I Hate You Taylor Swift”. Trump followers are you ready to disassociate yourself from the embarrassment?

    8. The media falls for Trumps distractions every time. He is trying to distract from the debate and the dystopian policies of Project 2025. Do better media.

    9. HATERED, ANGER & MANKIND – 2024 !!

      An angry soul opens its mouth

      And shuts its mind to reason.

      All who stay slow to anger

      Are loved by more each season.

      Hatred snuffs the lamp of thought

      And it's hard to stay serene.

      Where anger rules hatred thrives

      As the world we love turns mean.

      All who fan the coals of hate

      Have no reason to complain.

      If some hot sparks scorch their face

      Their torments multiply their pain.

      Anger is a human madness

      Which consumes both heart and mind.

      Those who rule their spirit with love

      Shall be praised by all mankind.

      By Tom Zart!

    10. How mature………. instead a better statement would have went something like "Taylor is a talented young American and she does and should have every right to express her support for whomever best represents her views, this is the beauty of a free country"

    11. Oh Don, you better say "I hate people" because you humiliate everybody and ruin them. If somebody on the street did this, he allready was in jail….so ….your time will come for jail………Think for yourself and leave politics, you are no good……..

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