John Oliver Gets Played Off During Emmys Speech While Honoring His Family’s Dead Dog: ‘F— You, There You Go!’

Posted by mcfw31


  1. > “In particular, I want to thank the silly odd dog,” Oliver said. “We have the most fantastic dog, and she was at our wedding and she got us through the pandemic. She was with us for two pregnancies…”

    > Oliver then got cut off by the orchestral music, to which he responded: “Perfect choice of music.” He then continued: “We had to say goodbye to her. I feel like Sarah McLaughlin right now. She was an amazing dog.”

    > As the music continued to swell to encourage Oliver to get off the stage, he playfully shouted: “Fuck you! There you go.”

    > **“This isn’t just for her. This is for all dogs,” he continued as the audience clapped. “All dogs, you are all very good girls. You are very good boys. You all deserve a treat. Play me off now! Thanks so much.”**

  2. He knew the time limit. If he wanted you to add a dog story to his speech, he should have properly timed the dog story.

    Nobody was pissing on his dog, they were moving him along because there’s a show to do.

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