Sweet story about Harry Styles meeting fans (and a non-fan) in London yesterday, September 15 2024

Posted by Fantastic_Turtle_17


  1. I feel like celebrities must enjoy encountering people who have no idea who they are. Seems like there’s not a lot of opportunities for genuine human connection when everyone knows you or wants to know you, but then you get moments like this when you’re walking through the park and get to compliment a random guy’s outfit.

  2. Transcript for better accessibility:

    > STORY TIME: “A Pop Star Complimented My Fit

    > Every morning, I talk to God and my late mother-it’s my daily ritual. When I’m home in Miami Beach, I go to the ocean for these conversations, but here in London, with no beaches in sight, I head to one of the many beautiful parks. So, there I am, strolling through Regents Park, after my conversation with the universe, when this guy stops me.

    > “I like your Fit,” he says. Naturally, I reply, “Thanks, bro, you looking fly too!” Then we get to chatting, when suddenly, a woman approaches us and asks for a picture. I’m flattered (clearly, the fit was on point), but she points at my new friend and says, “No, I mean with him!”

    > So, I take three photos of them, feeling like I’ve just been promoted to part-time photographer. Then a small crowd starts forming, all wanting pictures with this guy. I’m thinking, Okay, who is this dude!? So I lean over and whisper, “Who are you?”

    > He grins and says, “I’m a singer.” Cool, I think. I ask, “What’s your name?”

    > “Harry Styles.” (3rd Slide)

    > Now, here’s the funny part: I had absolutely no idea who he was. 🤷🏾‍♂️ So I do a quick Google search, and not only do I find out he’s crazy famous, but he was born on February 1st-the same day as my mother. Talk about a cosmic twist!

    > Moral of the story: Stay open to the universe, appreciate every encounter, and always be kind-you never know when you’re about to meet a global pop star (even if you don’t recognize him). 😂

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