

Before he arrived on the set of Oppenheimer, Cillian Murphy had a clear idea of the first movie he wanted to produce. His old friend, the Peaky Blinders director Tim Mielants, had visited him at his home in Dublin in 2021, and they were on the hunt for material to develop together. Murphy’s wife, the visual artist Yvonne McGuinness, suggested an adaptation of Claire Keegan’s Small Things Like These—an acclaimed novel published in November of that year that subtly, intimately tackled a painful chapter in Irish history. Murphy checked and saw that the rights were available—“kind of a miracle,” he says now—and got to work on putting the project together.

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. CamelsCannotSew on

    The book was devastating, and this looks like a really good adaptation. I’m not excited for it because it’ll be heartbreaking, but I am looking forward to seeing it.

    I really recommend the book.

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