“Winner” of recent Bachelorette season had a restraining order filed against him by an ex in 2017, was later arrested for breaking into his ex’s home

Posted by Ok-Needleworker9229


  1. ScientistFit9929 on

    Does the show check for these or did they think it would bring good drama? With reality TV, you never know.

  2. CriticalSuccotash on

    How did this creep even get on the show??? Does ABC not bother to vet contestants anymore? I’m sorry that Jenn was subjected to this, it’s inexcusable.

  3. Classic-Carpet7609 on

    this guy broke the restraining order FOUR times and went to his ex’s house with the restraining order and set it on fire in her front yard

    this is on public record… who tf is responsible for casting the men on this show?

  4. This disregard for a woman’s safety is horrifying. They have whole staffs working on these shows and they still let this guy make it? I always thought the show Unreal was a little exaggerated but maybe it’s not.

  5. What’s wild is the person in second place has SA and other abuse allegations against him. They really did not do proper vetting or protect their lead who was the first Asian bachelorette.

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