Jamie Lee Curtis Gave Actors Great Advice But Don’t Forget To Mention Who Your Dad Is.

Jamie Lee Curtis and Rashida Jones was giving advice to actors about hard work and auditioning, etc which was great… but do you know who their fathers are? Tony Curtis and Quincy Jones! Two legends in Hollywood! With those 2 as your parents, let’s be real you had a leg up. And there’s no problem with that, I’m jealous!

#JamieLeeCurtis #QuincyJones #HollyWood


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  1. Nephew 💙 both Jamie Lee and Rashida Jones had two famous parents. Jamie parents are Tony Curtis/Janet Lee. Rashida parents are Quincy Jones/Peggy Lipton. Jamie's moms most famous role was in the movie Psycho. You know the movie with the famous shower scene where the character Norman Bates from the infamous Bates Hotel, stabs her repeatedly while she's in the shower. Whereas, Rashida mother Peggy Lipton was in a badass weekly detective series called Mod Squad. Google it

  2. I don’t see the problem with the advice. There’s nothing wrong with carving your own path in Hollywood even if acting runs in the family. We give credit to actors like Bill and Alexander Skarsgard for their work yet their father is Stellan Skarsgard who is an amazing actor. Jeff Bridges is iconic and his father was the legendary Lloyd Bridges. In the 90’s it was Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez and their father was Martin Sheen. You’re gonna keep seeing family blood all throughout Hollywood. Jayne Mansfield, Mariska Hargitay, they’re all over the place.

  3. Nepotism. A way of life. If my seed or someone I’m friends with is capable, I’m giving them the job. Simple. But, if they’re not, I will not let that get in the way of business. But there will always be a level of nepotism in every area of life. Get used to it.

  4. They'll never admit they are products of nepotism. To them they earned it and worked hard for their opportunities. Im not saying they didn't work hard or didn't earn what they got, but im saying they got opportunities because of nepotism. Good for them. Wish i had some nepotism in ny life 😎🎭✌️

  5. Everyone has to work hard in life, but it's much easier for those that have family that are already established! A rising tide lifts all boats. Lets not act like it doesn't matter.

  6. Yeeaaahh… but those 2 are actually good too. I mean. They aren’t wrong, they did work hard and both are very good. But yeah we wouldn’t know who they are tho if not for their families. But it doesn’t minimize their success/effort either. I guess they should start with the leg up they got, then go into how hard they worked lol…

  7. Their parents opened the door, but Jamie Lee Curtis has been around for over 40 years now. How many other actresses have a run like that? It's hard work too, don't diminish that shit just because deep down all of us are bitter that our parents couldn't do the same for us

  8. I get it. However, Jamie Lee Curtis has acknowledged her "nepo baby" status before. Again, I get it, but I think it's silly to expect people to start off every conversation about their life stating their pedigree. 🙄 Also, just because you get a leg up doesn't mean you don't have to continue to work hard or grind to be a success on your own terms.

  9. You can work hard do the work, but someone has to give you a shot. At the end of the day if everything is equal on that front being connected will be the deciding fact

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