Getting tired of seeing Chappell quotes being taken out of context and from old interview being made right when she was at peak struggling with fame.
When all of this was happening :

“Chappell Roan reveals she has a stalker who has shown up to her parents’ home and her hotel room.

Roan also details being kissed without her consent, having her father's personal number leaked and being harassed by a man at an airport over an autograph and the police had to intervene, her and her family being doxxed”

Here is what she most recently said about fans. And she’s insisting once again that she’s talking about people who harass and not “normal” fans. At the end of the day she was right to make her statements cause she got her peace.

Crazy how positive things like that don’t get posted by big accounts on Twitter? The bias against her is so obvious and it’s sad to see a hate train against a young woman being created out of cherry picked quotes. When 99% of the time she’s a sweetheart and says many positive things but it never gets posted.

Posted by Ckey_


  1. Honestly that’s awesome, I’m really glad she’s been having a better experience since she made those comments ♡

  2. Thank you. I‘be said this in a couple threads this week, but it’s been quite annoying to see post mining content from the same few interviews. I like her and think what she has to say about fame is interesting, and the full articles are most always more insightful and even-keeled than the clickbait headlines.

    But now every post about her gets such ridiculously high engagement from people compulsively leaving low-effort comments about how much they’re annoyed by her. Which incentivizes more posts about her and creates a feedback loop. So I think it would be nice for people to ask themselves if they actually are done hearing about her, or if they would just like another fresh, young, unpolished female celebrity to have negative knee-jerk reactions towards.

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