James Cameron Tells Off Critics Who Claim His Scripts Are Cringe: ‘Let Me See Your Highest-Grossing Films — Then We’ll Talk About Dialogue Effectiveness’

Posted by mcfw31


  1. > “I don’t cringe on any of the dialogue, but I have a lower cringe factor than, apparently, a lot of people do around the dialogue that I write,” Cameron added. “You know what? Let me see your three-out-of-the-four-highest-grossing films — then we’ll talk about dialogue effectiveness.”

  2. OtherUserCharges on

    I loved the first one, but the second one really kinda sucked. The first hour was insanely boring just setting the stage for the second half of the movie. I would have been happier if instead of a 3 hour movie it was just 2 hours and they aired the first hour on TV and streaming as a big event to get you up to speed on what has happened between the two films, cause the pacing as all wrong but once the story actually starts 1/3rd of the way through it was pretty good.

    Though I really wish the second one was about the people dealing with a non human issue and the humans return at the end of it. Even if it’s just that all the people think humans are gone for good so no need to form a big alliance but Jake trying to keep them together knowing the humans will be back. They could have introduced all the children and new characters so that you would give a shit about them when they die. They could have still had the bad guy avatars as the villains, just have them be left on the planet in a small base that no one knew about, just don’t have the full human invasion having already happened. Even the big betrayal by spider was lack luster cause like the kid is on screen for like a total of 10 minutes at most, not quite the same impact as it should have been when the child you raised betrays you and your whole family.

  3. This makes no sense. No one would know what the dialogue is like until after the ticket is purchased. If you could return your ticket and get your money back, then there would be a correlation.

    His movies are high grossing because of marketing and special effects drawing in large crowds.

  4. I thoroughly enjoy each of these movies specifically because they are such unique visual experiences. There was nothing like them before, and I can’t really think of anything else since that comes close. For that reason they are, to me, the essence of cinema.

    But I will not pretend that the scripts are more then average at best. And that’s okay. They didn’t need to be in order to be successful. He is being defensive.

  5. It’s kind of a self-own overall, like America is so stupid that they’re willing to pay for this Blue Man Group bullshit.

    The first one was kinda cool. If it was left at that, it might be really cool.

  6. How about just make a good movie. Making a bunch of money doesn’t mean it was worth paying the money to see it

  7. What’s he so pissy about?

    The selling points of those films aren’t dialogue, they’re:

    Avatar: see a hollywood budget 3D (brand new technology at the time) action film.

    Titanic: watch a man hit a gigantic propeller and spin 20 times before he hits the water

    Avatar 2: i guess, nostalgia (remember 3d??). Definitely the hype machine

    Dialogue was never the selling point of those films. It was always spectacle.

  8. Now_Wait-4-Last_Year on

    I’ve said before including just yesterday on another post that my favourite scene by him of all time is the one where Ripley faces off against the Alien Queen for the first time, the Alien Queen gets her Praetorian Guard to back of with a gesture and Ripley uses a show of force with the flamethrower. The truce holds until a facehugger breaks out and Ripley cocks her head with an Oh You Did Mot Look.

    The entire scene has no dialogue at all.

  9. I had really to force myself to get past the mc kids talking like American teenagers, that was cringe and pretty silly

    Successfull movies can be bad

  10. I mean, maybe I would have one of the highest grossing movies too if I re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-released the film in theaters in a never ending cycle to remain at the top. 🙄

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