Steve-O wanted to shoot a bullet through his face as a stunt but had to cancel: ‘The worst idea’

Posted by mcfw31

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  1. > “The boob job wasn’t even the worst idea, not even close,” the Jackass alum tells Entertainment Weekly. “I would say the worst idea was when I decided that, if I were to fire a bullet through my cheeks, I figured that I had enough space in between my teeth when my mouth is wide open. With a super slow motion camera, you’d be able to see the bullet pass through my cheeks and my mouth. I didn’t think that the stakes were that high. What, am I going to end up with more fake teeth? Big whoop.”

    > “Especially small caliber bullets like a .22, which is what I would imagine we would have to use, when they hit soft tissue, they absolutely change direction,” Steve-O says. “Enough for it to hit a tooth, which would then absolutely make it ricochet in crazy directions. As hard as I tried, and as many people as I reached out to, all roads led to that not happening either.”

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