Kevin Hart Caught on Camera in Diddy ‘Freak Off’ Video

Posted by Gingerholy


  1. > There is also another scene where Hart positions himself next to a bed Diddy is sitting on drinking champagne.

    >Hart jokes: “If we can, let’s just move the camera a little this way. I don’t want my shot to even come close to the bed at all.”

    > **And as the camera followed Hart’s direction, it panned past what appeared to be a silver sex toy left openly on Diddy’s bed.**

    >Hart’s presence at the “freak off” party only enhances his links to the rapper, who is currently behind bars awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges – and the Ride Along star is allegedly “panicking” over his association with the disgraced hip-hop mogul.

  2. No_Strategy7555 on

    Seems to be the video that has Diddy later saying him and Usher were fighting over corn flakes

  3. futuredrweknowdis on

    The only part of this that surprises me is that Hart is allowing himself to be recorded and is speaking to the camera.

    I hope the rest of these vile people were equally as stupid and get what they deserve.

  4. I hope he doesn’t get ended in prison and we get a fuuuuuull list of the pieces of garbage who participated in these gross events

    Also hope we see them all get healthy prison sentences.

    Sexual predators and abusers all deserve to rot in prison

  5. As crazy and fucked up Diddy is, this is RadarOnline trying to start drama.

    This is old news, this was a viral video years ago. It was a public broadcast at the time.

  6. Kevin Hart has a dark sinister energy. He let someone else take the blame for his drunken car crash. The whole situation was extremely sketch.

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