Uhm, ok

Posted by CzernaZlata


  1. If Trans Rights are what is most important to you there is a clear choice. Saying otherwise says to me she is really not paying attention. Which I guess is almost understandable with the year she has been having but still.

  2. peppermintvalet on

    “There’s problems on both sides” and that’s why she doesn’t want to endorse either candidate

    What in the white feminism

  3. “I don’t understand politics, nor do I spend time with it, so I like to pretend I am better than both sides.”

  4. Everything I know about this artist, I know against my will, can she just take a social media break and go away?

  5. We have to stop thinking that every famous person or person in the spotlight is socially and politically aware and knows more than the general public and we should seek their opinions on everything! Just think of them as your next door neighbour and ask yourself if you would follow everything they say

  6. “I want to see better trans rights in the US.” is not a compatible statement with “I’m not gonna endorse either candidate.”

  7. *
    I mean, between a guy wanting to build concentration camps and enact bloody vengeance on his enemies from his first day in power and someone who isn’t going to do that, gosh, what a hard choice.

    I’m sure the trans community is going to be so thankful and grateful to live in unbridled Trump’s America, what a brave choice.

  8. I know Roan has advocated strongly for Gaza, in which case I do think the “both sides” rhetoric is justified given the Biden administration’s response to Israel’s war crimes, but on a whole range of other issues the Democrats are the much better option. I feel like unless you say that you can’t support Harris because of Gaza, not endorsing in a more general sense is a bit wishy washy, unless we get Chappell fundraising for Jill Stein or Cornel West. 

  9. KamolikasTikali on

    What up with her it’s like in the past month I’ve just seen her dig her grave deeper and deeper

    She was right about her fame shouldn’t be used as an excuse for stalking or doing inappropriate things to her by fans

    Shouting at the photographer, ranting about the Grammy

    But of late things just seem a little off with her

  10. sessicajimpsonn on

    It makes so much sense that she’s from Missouri. Not a ton of education happening over there.

  11. GilbertVonGilbert on

    I almost died from transphobic medical neglect during Biden’s administration, as well as lost access to my HRT thanks to democrats just not willing to take a stand for my community in order to “compromise.” During Trump’s administration, so many people around me claimed to be on my side as a 2TPOC, only for them to shrug and ask why I was still complaining when my community’s needs just grew more desperate during Biden’s time in office. This isn’t me saying we should be pro Trump or you shouldn’t vote for Harris if that feels right to you, but it feels awful knowing that if I speak my truth and the truths of my fellow 2TPOC, someone will try to call us a white feminist or a centrist and put all the blame on us.

    If you would like to learn more about how trans people historically have been treated like pawns at best, less than dirt at worst, I highly recommend the memoir Miss Major Speaks by Miss Major Griffin-Gracey. She is an OG Black trans activist who is extremely critical of electoral politics and how democrats and their cronies at HRC treat our community like absolute ass. She is not a wealthy woman and has more than earned her right to speak her truth on this issue.

    I fully get that Chappell Roan has been frustrating in pop culture recently, but idk if this take is as out of touch as everyone else is making it out to me. If anything, it’s probably one of the few times I feel heard as a trans person in mainstream pop culture that doesn’t feel watered down or pandering for cis acceptance and approval.

  12. Yeah this is the first time I’m like, girl shut up. Everything to do with her fame and how she wants to be perceived is her prerogative.

    But this is such a stupid thing to say.

  13. EllaFitzsharolder on

    I don’t blame anyone for not voting for Kamala after how her campaign has made it clear they support the ongoing genocide of Palestinian, as well as her centrist policies that have cops backing her. But do you see how I criticize, hold Kamala accountable, and pressure her to change while ALSO understanding Trump can’t be president? Very mindful, very demure!!

  14. Why should an artist endorse a candidate? You don’t see other countries do this. Nobody’s asking Adele to endorse Labour.

  15. I love her music, but her interviews, she seems miserable. It’s weird to say trans rights and then both sides the election. Trans rights is one thing where there is a clear difference between the parties.

  16. XxKwisatz_HaterachxX on

    Harris has doubled down on her support of Israel. This is not team sports, a candidate should have to earn your vote. It’s not like she’s telling y’all to go vote for Trump. A single celebrity endorsement after so many other bigger celebrities have already endorsed Harris won’t do anything, especially considering a majority of her fanbase was probably already going to vote for the dems. A lot of you just want your fave celebs to say they like your fave team player and only care about politics once every 4 years.

  17. I live in a state where women are left to become septic before they can get a D&C. I wish I can afford to “both sides” this.

  18. Both sides support genocide and shes been verbally against that. Makes sense why she wont endorse either they both are genocidal.

  19. Adventurous_Main5468 on

    She’s actively pro Palestine so of course she’s not supporting Kamala aka genocider in training

  20. Both sides of the aisle support Israel. America has a long-standing partnership both political and financially. Not supporting genocide would be not supporting most of the officials in government currently. What you can choose to differentiate is about every other issue conservatives suck on.

  21. Doesanybodylikestuff on

    Holy disappointment.

    Is she out of her mind?!?!!!!!!


  22. RevealActive4557 on

    I have never heard a single one of her songs but I am already tired of her. For somebody who dislikes fame she certainly talks a lot

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