“I went to a psychiatrist last week because I was like, I don’t know what’s going on. She diagnosed me with severe depression – which I didn’t think I had because I’m not actually sad. But I have every symptom of someone who’s severely depressed.”

Roan revealed her symptoms include brain fog, forgetfulness and poor focus as well as “a very lacklustre viewpoint.”

“I think it’s because my whole life has changed. Everything that I really love to do now comes with baggage. If I want to go thrifting, I have to book security and prepare myself that this is not going to be normal. Going to the park, pilates, yoga – how do I do this in a safe way where I’m not going to be stalked or harassed?”

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. Visible_Writing7386 on

    Where are all these quotes coming from? It feels like it’s day to day basis info. All these public quotes on how private she wants to live

  2. i feel like there are some celebrities who have been able to take a step back from the private eye and live more normal lives. she just needs to decide what’s more important to her, performing her music under her name and continuing to build her brand that she really does care about, or having a normal life in peace. maybe taking a step back will show her what’s most important to her.

    i guess at some point i wish she’d acknowledge that she does have the privilege to hire security and to make her life easier, but i can understand how she might struggle to have a different perspective bc her life has gotten wild

  3. How many sound bites are we going to hear from her interviews? I feel like it’s almost daily.

  4. She is probably exhausted. Sleep deprivation can often look like depression and she has soooo much going on right now.

    I hope she is able to take a break soon to take care of herself.

  5. EconomistWild7158 on

    It’s really painful to see in real-time the way she has shot to fame, gotten overexposed and the pile-on has now begun.

    I get the deluge of interviews are annoying and she’s not exactly media trained and cancelling those shows was not a good move but I also think this level of fame is super disorientating and this is all to be expected. It’s probably hard to pick between “do I pull away from this? what if I never match this success and I never get this chance again” and “this is extremely overwhelming, how do I make it stop”.

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