Marvel Studios’ Thunderbolts* | Teaser Trailer | Only In Theaters May 2025

Posted by mcfw31


  1. One of my most anticipated movies of next year!

    For The Bear and Beef fans out there, they’re the writing and directing team behind this. The same person who wrote the fishes episode of the Bear wrote this movie.

  2. Important-Stomach406 on

    With this and Agatha, it feels weird to be excited for Marvel again after the last few years had me unbothered.

  3. I didnt expect this to look this good. Surprised truly. Agatha has been really good and this one looks great so far. Maybe Marvel are cooking again

  4. “There is something wrong with me. An emptiness. I’m just drifting, and I don’t have purpose.”

    I feel like the writers know that this quote could be applied to the Marvel Cinematic Universe since phase 4 ended. I would *love* this movie to be a return to form and a reason to get excited for Marvel movies again, especially with Fantastic Four on the horizon which I *need* to be excellent.

  5. If I had a nickel for every time Lewis Pullman shows up in a movie based off an existing IP playing a guy named Bob, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.

  6. Looks alright I guess? I wouldn’t say im really interested in these characters enough to be looking forward to it but i could be a good movie.

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