1. Kanye interrupts Taylor’s acceptance speech at the VMAs
  2. Kim Jong-il and Dennis Rodman
  3. Michael Richards’ racist rant
  4. Max Headroom hijacking incident
  5. Balloon Boy
  6. Madonna goes rogue on David Letterman
  7. “Soy Bomb” runs on stage during Bob Dylan’s Grammy performance and dances bizarrely
  8. Promotional material for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie mistaken for bombs

Posted by thefuzzydice


  1. It over and done, but I often remember the start of Taylor-Katy feud, with Katy stealing Taylor’s dancers. It went on for YEARS.

  2. Infamous_Moose8275 on

    I’m not familiar with the soy bomb incident, but I misread it as “soy bomb nuns” before I scrolled through the pics…so now I’m disappointed.

  3. TheKnightsTippler on

    Id add

    * Kanye West saying George Bush doesn’t care about black people.

    * Tom Cruise jumping on the sofa during the Oprah interview.

    Some British ones:

    * Jarvis Cocker mooning Michael Jackson at the Brit awards.

    * Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross phoning up Andrew Sachs and telling him that Russel had fucked his granddaughter.

    * Delia Smith drunkenly heckling fans at a football match.
    * Preston walking off Buzzcocks
    * George Galloway pretending to be a cat on celebrity big brother.

  4. Okay changing my comment cause I read your title wrong.

    But Moby writing in his book that he dated Natalie Portman and then she was like uhhh no we did not he was a weird older guy I briefly knew. So freaking weird and creepy of him.

    Omg also adding Lindsey Lohan attempting to kidnap a child.

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