Perez Hilton. I remember when he was around sneaking in everything and just being toxic, I believe pop culture would’ve been a better place without him for so many artists.

Posted by MarkReditto


  1. A kid at my school thought it would be funny to be the Perez Hilton of our year and outed three gay kids on her tumblr. Two of them killed themselves. I have no doubt Perez Hilton affected many people directly and indirectly this way b

  2. beepboopbeepboppity on

    The amount of time Perez spent in MS Paint drawing dicks and coke noses on the celeb photos on his blog. Don’t miss that.

  3. Simon Cowell. I don’t think we’ll ever know just how many careers he derailed and ruined with his terrible management and lack of ethics.

  4. Cold_Breadfruit_9794 on

    Does the Daily Mail, TMZ, The Sun, & National Enquirer count? I feel like some of these were brutal

  5. I was reading some shitty gossip mag like 15+ years ago and they asked T Swift who her dream prom date was. She said Perez Hilton. So funny to think about now. It’s probably not on the internet anymore but I swear it’s true.

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