The intimate hour-long presentation featured Prince Harry; Queen Masenate Mohato Seeiso of Lesotho; Neo Jane Masisi, the First Lady of Botswana; and Suzanne Innes-Stubb, the First Lady of Finland, speaking about issues ranging from gender-based violence to mental wellness to HIV and AIDS.Though the event was scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m., the royal family of Lesotho entered the room shortly before noon. As the Queen and King of Lesotho entered the space it quieted, and the 100 or so gathered attendees—mainly foreign dignitaries who were attending UNGA—waited for the Duke of Sussex to make an appearance. When he arrived just a few minutes later, excited murmurs swept through the small crowd. He quickly embraced King Letsie III as he entered, the older brother of his longtime friend, Prince Seeiso.Prince Harry's remarks to the small gathered group took a decidedly personal tone. He began by speaking in English then Sesotho, a language of Lesotho. "I would like to start by extending my deepest gratitude to Their Majesties for their continued friendship," Harry said. "The Lesotho royal family, as well as Lesotho itself, has been a pillar of strength for me over the last 20 years, welcoming me with open arms and such kindness."

Posted by fortunatelyso

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