I feel that quote about guilt from Amy Adams 🫠 #mormon #exmormon #lds


  1. Hello Alyssa,

    I wanted to take a moment to deeply thank you for what you do. I grew up in the church living in Provo, UT. I started having doubts about the church when my parents got divorced when I was 13 years old. I remember my young woman's leader telling me to read the Book of Mormon all the way through and that I would know the church is true because the Holy Ghost would make himself known to me. I read that stupid book 3 times, front to back, at 13. I didn't just want faith, I wanted to KNOW. I wanted to feel something. But I never got any sign. Nothing ever came. It was then I started researching the church online and found the video of the person who entered the temple with a hidden camera in SLC. I felt so confused and angry, especially as a woman who did not want to sit back and let her husband rule her life. I'm 26 now and have been so much happier learning about the world and living without limitations. It is so easy to become brainwashed when you have grown up in this religion, and I hope every member will find the truth eventually.

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