According to Ms. Ventura’s lawsuit, by 2011, Mr. Combs and Ms. Ventura, a singer on Mr. Combs’s label, had hit a rough patch in their relationship. Mr. Combs, the lawsuit said, had a history of abusing the singer and she had begun a brief relationship with Kid Cudi, another prominent, genre-defying artist and Grammy winner.

When Mr. Combs later discovered emails between Ms. Ventura and Kid Cudi, on Ms. Ventura’s phone, he “became enraged,” according to court papers in her case, and later punished Ms. Ventura by striking her repeatedly and kicking her, according to the lawsuit.

Mr. Combs also sought to send a message to Kid Cudi.

“Mr. Combs told Ms. Ventura that he was going to blow up Kid Cudi’s car, and that he wanted to ensure that Kid Cudi was home with his friends when it happened,” her lawsuit said.

Within a few weeks, Kid Cudi’s car, which was parked in the rapper’s driveway, burst into flames, the court documents say.

Posted by yrboyfriend

1 Comment

  1. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    I remember reading about this back when it came out and astonished that this wasn’t further investigated. Hope everyone buckled up because more stories are going to come out of the woodwork and it’s only going to get worse.


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