Kamala Harris x Small Businesses

Latina small businesses are the fastest growing in the country—and when we grow and strengthen them, we all benefit. #KamalaHarris


  1. One of the major issues is printing money and spending of that money in “products” that have no value. Giving small business owners more money will only see a small boost in their economic prosperity, but that boost won’t last long and they will inevitably crash hard like the rest of us. Her plan to boost the economy is to give people money… which causes inflation, which damages the economy, which makes government print more money, which causes inflation, which damages the economy. They say Trumps tariffs will pass the cost onto consumers, but they don’t tell you that raising taxes, causing more inflation and capping prices will also pass the cost onto consumers. They don’t respect you enough to tell you the truth about our economy, they just want your vote and they hope they can gaslight us across the finish line. Remember people, putting a price cap on bread doesn’t decrease the value of the ingredients sold to make that bread. Every piece of material and ingredients that go into making that bread will go up in price and inevitably make producing bread more difficult and not worth producing at a capped rate.

  2. Love this Jessica! Woo hoo!
    Vote Kamala Harris!!
    Disregard the Trump bot trolls. It's already made news that the Trump campaign spends millions on bots to troll Kamala. And here they are…

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