Lana Del Rey marries alligator tour guide Jeremy Dufrene on Louisiana bayou

Posted by mitzilarue


  1. Tough_Walrus_7497 on

    does anyone have any actual proof regarding the maga allegations? not saying they’re false i just haven’t seen anything concrete

  2. Uplanapepsihole on

    i’d love to see what goes on in her brain sometimes cause her choices are so random

    side note: love the dress

  3. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    Okay so she got married quickly to a man that is an alligator tour guide and potential MAGA supporter?? What am I missing? Lana Del Rey you could’ve gotten any other man!!


  4. Lana has known Jeremy since 2019 (at least that’s the year she first posted pics of her with him) so they’ve been friends for a while.

    As a Lana fan I’m not surprised by this at all like this is her dream lol


  5. Visible_Writing7386 on


    Congrats girl😭😭😭. I don’t care, whatever she was singing about, she wasn’t singing about this guy.

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