Chappell Roan cancels NYC & DC All Things Go shows to focus on her health

Posted by Rripurnia


  1. I know everyone on this sub hates her but I dont. I hope she takes good care of herself. It seems like she’s catching this early before it blows up into addiction or other tough stuff. Good for her. Fame is truly a prison.

  2. pine-cone-sundae on

    I find it really interesting that artists are ok with cancelling whole swaths of shows for their health nowadays. There have been other notable incidences of it over the past few years. 20 or 30 years ago it certainly happened, but there are a lot of stories about artists who went on and did the tour anyway, against all reasonable advice, and paid for it later in nervous breakdowns and acting out in weird ways. So good on her.

  3. So glad I decided not to get ACL tickets this year just to see her. She hasn’t pulled out yet but I just have a feeling

    I hope she takes the time she needs to take care of her mental health.

  4. isitsnarkoclockyet on

    Glad she’s putting herself first, it’s not easy to do! Especially with so many fans likely to be letdown by this news.

  5. Fabulous-Fondant4456 on

    Some people are not cut out for fame and that’s okay!

    The celebs with huge lights on them and longevity have been able to adapt to it and it’s, I truly believe, an innate skill/quality that allows them to exist like that. Doesn’t make them better or worse.

    Fame is a beast, and it’s no shame in just not wanting it.

    I don’t mean this remotely as a criticism. But if she’s struggling this much a few months into becoming famous, I think it’s a bad sign for the long term.

  6. She’s a hero relative to other celebs, and it’s a shame she has to suffer for it. I hope she gets well soon and keeps speaking up for what’s right

  7. Electrical_Dog_6581 on

    Chappell Roan attention seeking tour/ non tour continues.

    For someone who hates fame she sure loves dropping sound bites and keeping her name in the headlines.

  8. Hoping she gets plenty of rest. Watching everyone tear her apart for months on end has been a lot. I never seen the hype them up to turn on them later pipeline work as fast as it did with her.

  9. It is okay to cancel shows for your own well being. However she has a habbit of doing it on really short notice, It may not be received well by a lot of folks

  10. TheBarbaraDeDrew on

    Good for her honestly it does seem like she needs a break from the limelight. I think the indie artist life she had before was the best of both worlds, like she did get successful enough to do a world tour but also not enough to be recognized everywhere, and back then it seemed that she had so much more fun with her job. It’s probably the best for her to be indie again but idk. Hope she gets better.

  11. I think its completely understandable that she is feeling like this and I’m glad she’s taking care of herself – I feel like one of the things I most consistently see artists talking about is how incredibly hard touring is on your health

    I also just took a look at her schedule and I feel like at this point, it might be in her best interest to cancel her shows scheduled through the first part of October, so that she can take a step back and breathe, and people also could have a small bit more notice to adjust their travel plans

  12. day-dreamer-4ever on

    my friend is going to this festival and was so excited to see chappel lmao she is pretty disappointed. it’s nice to take care of yourself but in the real world people don’t get to just take a break from their job (unless you use your PTO of course). not trying to hate, i love chappel, but a lot of people were looking forward to seeing her and she just backs out last minute, it’s a little disappointing. i understand she is a normal person just like the rest of us, but as i said, normal people don’t just get to pick and choose when they want to do their job. and let’s be real, she is backing out because of all of the backlash she has received for the insensitive things she has said (comparing being famous to being a victim of sexual assault for starters).

    like, if i had a presentation at work i wouldn’t be able to just back out of it. that’s not how the real world works yet she wants to claim she is a normal person just like us so bad.

  13. Psychological-Elk609 on

    shes SO young. to face this much scrutiny over every little ocmment/action she does is probably horrible for her mental health.

  14. I’m probably just projecting, but I think what I dislike about her is she reminds me so much of my social group in college, who were/still are terminally fragile and sensitive and reactive about everything. I love my leftist/queer/feminist community, but sometimes they think in absolutes and extremes, and can’t tolerate anything that’s outside their comfort zone.

    I’m on my 30s now and a lot of those people are barely functioning. The world is a hard place for people who feel things deeply.

  15. Lavender_rain_2000 on

    You know with all these conversations about the effects of fame I’m reminded of Taylor’s song from earlier this year, about how fame made her “crazy” – and everyone mocked her for that song and how dare she write about struggling

 I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me
    You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me

 You caged me and then you called me crazy
    I am what I am ’cause you trained me”

  16. ampersands-guitars on

    Mental health issues are a perfectly valid reason to need to cancel shows; mental health is as important as physical health. But. In general, cancelling at the last minute like this is extremely unprofessional and she’s starting to make a habit out of it. She’s now cancelled more in a couple months than Taylor Swift has in her entire career.

    If I were advising her, I’d personally suggest that she carry on as best she can with the shows this weekend and cancel the further out shows (like later this week) if she needs a mental health break. Particularly when playing in cities like NYC, you need to consider that a lot of people make travel arrangements to come from surrounding areas and now will not be able to get that money refunded because it is so last minute.

    It also feels like this could’ve been avoided had she stopped arguing on social media this week. I feel like that’s why she’s struggling at the moment and to give some tough love, she should’ve logged out of TikTok so she could be mentally able to do her job.

  17. NinjaZombieHunter on

    Her career isn’t starting off so well. Maybe she just can’t handle the fame after her album finally became very popular. She might need to get a very good PR team and get some advice from the pros.

  18. That’s probably a good idea. I have a lot of criticisms towards her, but no one wants to see her jeopardize her health and wellbeing. It’s good that so many famous people focus on that now instead of feeling obligated to show out when they’re not up to it.

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