THIS Is Jennifer Lawrence’s Top 2024 Issue?!

Jennifer Lawrence told “People” magazine that the most important issue in 2024 is preserving abortion. Really? This is the most important issue? This is sick.

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  1. Shame on many women for being one issue voters. They would rather the country burn down than not have an ability to murder an innocent child due to the inability of the sperm donor and incubator to control themselves. They are animals.

  2. Who cares what these celebrities have to say. They should just keep quiet and entertain us like they're paid to do. We don't pay them for their opinions. 🤨🇺🇸

  3. 😊Jennifer schrader Lawrence, 1. Since Roe v Wade was appealed 3 years ago the USA has averaged just under 1 million abortions per year 2. The morning after pill and PLAN B ARE HERE TO STAY SO RULED BY SCOTUS. Trump has daughters, he’s already said he’d NEVER WOULD SIGN A NATIONAL BAN ON ABORTION
    4.It’s the only issue THAT IS A NON ISSUE.

  4. I will never understand peoples fascination with celebrities opinions…WHY? They are fake like the roles they play. WHY DOES ANYONE CARE ?????

  5. So basically, a Hollywood elitist who makes millions of dollars a year playing make believe in movies is trying to convince others that murdering your own child is a right that needs to be protected. The fact that she claims Kamala is the right and best candidate proves how ridiculously disconnected she is from the real world.

  6. You must understand we lost the culture war. Women overwhelmingly (though not all) will screech and vote based entirely on as much abortion as possible. If it's taken away they will go into a frenzy and never admit it was wrong.

  7. No one cares about these ignorant Hollyweird people. They live in a bubble surrounded by their private security, security gates etc. They don’t struggle to buy groceries or anything! FO JL! Trump/Vance 2024! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  8. I needed to say something somewhat unrelated: during the member only segment, Michael Knowles talked for a solid 5+ minutes about “eating beaver on Fridays” and it took me a few shocked seconds to realize he meant actual beaver meat, but the way he just kept going on without acknowledging the double meaning absolutely cracked me up. Highly recommend everyone goes to DailyWire+ and watches so you can laugh in an immature way with me.

  9. The right will never understand that the left sees this as a women's rights issue and the left will never understand that the right sees it as murder. I have no idea how to reconcile that, and neither does J-Law.

  10. I want my right protected to act completely irresponsibly for my own pleasure and then demand someone else help me destroy any unwanted consequences that may interrupt my life further even if thats another life. I mean..its all about me.

  11. I have a co-worker who is a pastor and he believes people should have the right to abortion. He admits it's a killing of the baby but he says it's between the woman and God. What's the best way to argue against that?

  12. Michael, you're absolutely right, and this is heinous and illogical, and if we were actually dealing with a person operating out of their own logic and reason, unthinkable. But in my opinion, we're not. She is a bot, and fully owned mouthpiece of the industry machine. The influence she wields by the highly visible position she's in is what is being exploited by people pushing this child-murder position, and they are certainly blinded by their own bloodlust. She may even be one of them, but sadly I don't even think it goes that far in her mind, rather she says what she's supposed to say to keep in with her masters. As people wake up and these so-called stars lose their luster and the oomph of people's adoration and idolatry, that influence will wane. People of sense and integrity already know not to listen to these paid actors, and people without sense will be swayed by the louder voice anyway because they lack discernment. So, you're right, but sadly I think you're giving her too much credit for this.

  13. Of course abortion is Jennifer Lawrence's most important issue. She doesn't have to worry about inflation or the economy. She's rich. She wants illegal aliens to be able to abuse cheap labor, plus she doesn't compete with them in her job. She's not fighting in any war. She doesn't care about WW3. Who knows what sick anti-aging treatments she's doing with stem cells harvested from aborted babies. She needs those dead babies. She doesn't have to worry about the issues we common folk deal with. She's got nothing in common with any of us. She lives in her own reality.

  14. Oh I believe it
    I was at work the other day and a bunch of 30 something female colleagues said they are afraid of Trump getting in because they fear he will ban abortion. That is the top issue for these women, who btw already have kids or plan on having kids. It’s baffling. It doesn’t matter for them that it isn’t even on the ballot..they think it’s his is the number one priority for our country..the right to kill babies. 🤦🏻‍♀️ God forgive them for they know not what they do 🙏🏻

  15. I actually agree with her that it is the most important issue. That is why, as a young mom of 3, I will always be voting for the party who does not support murdering the innocent. I find this extra repulsive coming from her since she is a parent!

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