1. Classic-Carpet7609 on

    they way people willingly offer up information you couldn’t waterboard out of me


  2. iusedtobeyourwife on

    Married to a Kennedy, getting your name drug through the mud on the regular and all you get is an almost invisible wedding band. Pass.

  3. Financial-Painter689 on


    finding the ring in this picture was easier than a where’s Waldo game

    if you’re staying for a ring like that you need help… did the brain worms get her too?

  4. Him cheating on her is honestly the least objectionable thing that she knows he’s done, and yet she stays with him. She’s a shitty person, just like him. I don’t feel bad for her at all.

  5. ProbablyNotADuck on

    Does she dislike herself? This man is disgusting. He spouts off dangerous rhetoric. He has done absolutely horrific things to his ex. AND he has probably cheated (cumulatively) on his past wives and current wife more than 100 times. Why stay with that?

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