John Oliver Is Still ‘Massively’ Frustrated HBO Moved His ‘Last Week Tonight’ YouTube Clips to Thursdays

Posted by mcfw31


  1. > If Oliver had his way, people would watch “Last Week Tonight” in “its entire form” — not just through clips. “This is partly self-serving, not just that I’d like my employer to be happy, but we do take a lot of effort to make sure the show makes sense as a whole. So if we’re doing a very bleak main story, we like putting real dumb stuff around it.”

    > ”What I love about having the show on YouTube is the ‘A’ story, we can reach beyond HBO subscribers. That’s really important to me. I think it’s a good advert for HBO. I think it reflected really well on them and still does, the fact that they release this main story. I would rather they did it straight after the show the way that they’ve always done it, but I’ve very grateful that they’re willing to do it at all.”

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