Selena Gomez REACTS to Reaching BILLIONAIRE Status #shorts

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  1. Jesus saved my lost hurting and broken soul as a young woman that had just left a home that, although not nearly as bad as what these poor children have had to endure, was also filled with anger, violence, despair, depression and dysfunction. Jesus Christ gave me a new heart and a new life and told me the truth about who He says I am and how we should live and love others. This behavior being condoned and supported by Christians is shameful and a weird attempt to be edgy. They want to be unlike the world and are throwing out the baby with the bath water. I am praying for all his kids for the healing and peace that only Jesus can give. It’s hard and we might still carry that baggage for the rest of our lives, but God is greater and is there to love and forgive us when we clumsily figure it out as adult and inevitably fall short as humans do. What a mighty God we serve! With His help, we can break the curse of abuse, anger and violence and be used for His Kingdom ❤ thank you Lord! Thanks for being a voice of reason Pastor Tommy!

  2. Distasteful for talking about…$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
    Guess your just being tasteless taking money from young girls that fit the modern-day cliché. You clearly made the product to make more Money!?!?!!!.
    Honestly, your Distasteful in being Greedy. The world is suffering everywhere, & your a billionaire?!. Seriously you really need all that money. Build a Hospital!. Build shelters for the less fortunate. Instead of properties of selfish Greed.
    You were once a great artist. Thinking now, you're just going off people's pity and, taking advantage of less fortunate &, vulnerable young women that want to fit your status quo of beauty. Taking money. To make yourself more money. It's distasteful to have more than one crib… that's completely over priced. Just for show. That sweetheart is distasteful. You & your pal T.S are just greedy soul sold individuals, that' think that they are the poo!!!. When you are both' just, pieces of.
    How about you give back, to those that have given so much. Your greeddy. And seriously, enough with the babe in the woods routine. You overshare to much personals. Get a Therapist!. & the Baby talking, stop playing the pitty card?. It's kinda getting a little old😢
    Just saying!!🤷‍♀️.

  3. Properly??? Was it proper to grind on another man while your partner was away?? Was it proper to wiggle your ass showing your underwear for everyoneto see??? This is the same woman who said she doesn't want to see people's bodies on Instagram. AND she said she won't act sexy in front of a camera because she wanted to be a GOOD ROLE MODEL her to her little sister!!! And don't tell me that he's gay. Is that an excuse??? Who are you fooling??😂 he backed out the moment he saw they were being recorded.

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