‘The Wire’ Creator Calls Out Russian Streaming Services for Removing References to Gay Character

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. > David Simon took to X on Friday to condemn the act of taking out scenes and dialogue that acknowledge Omar Little’s homosexuality. He did not take the censoring lightly.

    > “Have been informed that the two Russian streaming services offering ‘The Wire’ in that country have systematically removed scenes and dialogue indicating that Omar Little is homosexual,” Simon wrote on X.

    > He continued, “Be advised, you backward f–ks, that Omar Little of Baltimore, Maryland, is unapologetically gay and, though fictional, infinitely more badass and tactically effective than all of the conscripts and paroled thugs you’ve sent into the meat-grinder in Ukraine. Not that they’d do much better invading West Baltimore. But thanks for watching, I guess.”

  2. It’s Russia, they don’t give a fuck about that. Like Russia streaming services gonna listen

  3. I guess they won’t show one of the great mysteries of the series either: Rawls at the gay bar.

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