Sean Baker Says Audiences Need Films Without “Superheroes and Explosions” at ‘Anora’ U.K. Premiere

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. Yes. Sounds like something I’d be more than happy to watch on my couch a couple of months after a theatrical run.

    If I’m going to pay to go to the cinema, though, I need a visual experience to make the price worth it to see on the big screen.

  2. No one’s ever forced me to watch any movie. I doubt the audience needs someone to choose for them.

  3. It’s okay to like big dumb action movies and small dramas at the same time. I hate the gate keeping that happens. They both serve their own purpose.

  4. DoubtfireEstates on

    Good thing there’s easy access to different films.

    This honing in on the mass appeal films is so tiring. I’ve straight up never had a problem with accessing different types of movies. Comments like Baker’s just make them sound up their own ass about their preferences.

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