Jennifer Garner in full CRINGE MODE for Kamala!

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  1. She doesn't share the same set of issues that the average American does. How much do you want to bet she lives in a gated community, her children go to private schools, she's not worried about paying the bills or buying groceries/gas. I wish these elites would shut their pie holes.

  2. People are indoctrinated into socialism in state run schools. First hand experience is invaluable to warn people of the dangers of socialism. Bless you for taking a stand.

  3. John Leguizamo used our beautiful country to get rich and famous and now he's bashing America, saying Venezuela's problems are because of America. Shame on him, how ungrateful and traitorous is he?!

  4. Celebrities preaching to the people? My god. Knock off all these people from my movie & song list.
    I hope to heck Jim Carrey doesn't show up on this list of twags. That'll finish me right off.

  5. I never was a fan of Jennifer. Now I know why. I always thought Ben could have done better. As for Julia, Danny should have stayed with his first wife. She was..much prettier and classier thank Julia

  6. No they are not effected! They don't care how much we pay for food or gas because they have so much money it doesn't hurt them. NOT a fan of Bruce Springsteen any longer.

  7. I think its sad that these celebrities are so blinded to the real threat and danger at hand in voting for Kamala! Why can't they see the policies of this administration are causing chaos and oppression on so many levels. I think their personal success and prosperity has somewhat caused them to be deceived.

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