1. StrangerNumber001 on

    “It’s frustrating”…?

    Sorry cheating on your wife and fathering a child outside of your marriage has consequences.


  2. I always feel like the “straight to therapy” feels like a cop-out for the cheating and illegitimate child. Couldn’t have gone to therapy prior to that? So many lives ruined.

  3. the man nutted inside another woman and fathered a whole ass child and he’s surprised it’s taking longer than a couple weeks to sing kumbaya

  4. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    The audacity of this man needs to be studied! He is the one who cheated on his wife and had a baby with his mistress but he’s the one who is frustrated? Jeez, I wonder why his wife and daughters aren’t forgiving or trusting him so quickly? Maybe it’s due to all the lying and cheating or it could be the public embarrassment and humiliation, take your pick. I think I figured it out for you Dave, it’s because you are untrustworthy and trifling! We seriously need to bring back shame.

  5. EraseRewindPlay on

    Poor Dave I can only imagine how difficult is FOR HIM to deal with these bad women. First your wife not forgiving you instantly and then HAVING to own publicly you cheated and had a kid fearing the mother would out you. Can somebody think of Dave’s suffering!!! /s

    Dave will learn that once trust is broken it takes a long time to get some sort of normalcy. I don’t think he has any idea of the damage and stress he just inflicted on her wife and kids (including the new baby).

  6. And you just know the main reason he wants to salvage the marriage is because it’s the only way to semi-redeem him from his new scumbag image. I cannot imagine what a nightmare this is for his wife. His mistress will always be in his life now due to the baby.

  7. So he revealed he had a love child less than a month ago and is salty that his wife hasn’t immediately forgiven him for not only stepping out in their marriage of over two decades but also having a baby on her and announcing it to the world… which, I also think it was implied he only told his wife shortly before everyone else found out.

    Anyways, he’s a PoS and she should really divorce him.

  8. Prestigious_Pop_7240 on

    Maybe he should find jesus. It seems that all is forgiven once someone who did scumbag things finds him. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  9. thraniaproject12 on

    I’m just saying, wouldn’t it be easier for rock stars who just wanna have sex with lots of women, to just not get married and ruin their spouse’s future

  10. Ahahahahhahahaha

    Like a child that has been caught and now doesn’t get sweets. The audacity and immaturity of his indignation!

  11. Inevitable_Bit_9257 on

    Ffs 🤦🏽‍♀️

    Why is it always “hey look I’m a Christian now” or “I’m in therapy now” with these men. I’m exhausted by the fake accountability.

  12. I’m so tired of people choosing to go to therapy *after* they cheated on their significant other.

    But aside from that: Him being in therapy doesn’t erase the hurt, betrayal, humiliation and loss of trust his wife went through.

    For me that’s similar to someone who was for whatever reason (mental health, drugs/alcohol) verbally abusive towards their SO, got therapy and is now doing better. That’s great but their SO was still abused and has to deal with that trauma, they can’t just forget all of that because the other person is doing better nowadays.

  13. “He’s trying to be a good dad but at the same time it’s frustrating and he doesn’t understand that these things can take months, even years to fix”

    Why even fix it, man’s trash, Jordyn deserves better

  14. DryPreference7991 on

    Just as long as we’re clear these are all made-up quotes. The Mirror quoting In Touch. Come on, people, let’s be media literate.

  15. Icy-Cockroach4515 on

    “He’s gone from being a rock god to a scumbag overnight” as though he only recently became a scumbag. He was from the moment he decided to step out of his marriage.

  16. StoneSkipper22 on

    For what it’s worth, Grohl hasn’t worn his ring for at least ten years. This piece is light on specific details and is generic enough to be dubious. Who the hell knows what’s going on over there.

  17. Internet mob justice is a fickle beast.

    How soon folks forget all the good he has also done

  18. lueur-d-espoir on

    I hope she leaves him because this all screams of, “the only thing that could save my image is my wife forgiving me” bullshit and not that he actually gives a shit about her or his daughters.

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