“I’m currently writing this through tears, but thankfully they’re the good kind. I can’t believe what we have achieved this year through this court case and the @paidtopollute campaign around it. We have already won. No matter what the judgement is. We have managed to force the government to go on record acknowledging the huge tax breaks they give the North Sea Oil & Gas industry. We have put the truths about the huge subsidies the gov gives this destructive industry on public record and all over the media. Before this case, barely anyone knew the government has given £4 billion in payments of our public money to the oil & gas industry. We made that happen. When I say “we” I mean all of you guys as well. You’ve supported this case so fervently. Every share has helped. Every signature on our petition. Every $£€ donated towards our legal fees. Every comment of support. Every conversation had about this. Every post. Every single incredible human who showed up to stand in support in the cold and rain at our rally on Tuesday. I really and truly love every one of you. We could never have done this without you.

Taking the government to court has been one of the scariest things I’ve ever done for a lot of reasons. It’s fed my imposter syndrome. It’s broken my heart all over again. But, it’s also one of the biggest honours of my life to be trusted to do this by this movement I love so much. Thank you to those who put their trust in me. I hope I have done the best that I could with this.

The fight continues. And you know what? We are fucking WINNING the fight against fossil fuels. Last week, Shell pulled out from Cambo. Today, Siccar Point has “paused” the project. Things that a year we would have thought impossible are becoming realities because of the power of the people. The power of organising. Oil, gas & coal have no future here because we won’t let them. We will win.

(We will find out the judgement for our case in weeks or months – basically, a while – I’ll let you all know the judgement as soon as I know. I’ll share more about what happened in court next week) 💙” — @mikaelaloach


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