I think anyone who knows me knows the relationship I have and have always had with my, “Gram.”

Although inevitable, it would nevertheless be one of the hardest things I would ever have to go through the day she’d pass.

She was and will forever be my best friend. From the imaginary games she would play with me when I was little to picking me up from high school because I was being bullied, to keeping scrapbooks of every article and magazine cover I have ever been in, she was my # 1 cheerleader.

My heart is broken.

Although I feel so grateful to have been able to spend such incredible moments with her and my family over 34 years plus having Atlas also be able to have her own special relationship with her, it’s hard to say that this will ever get easier because right now the pain I feel is excruciating knowing that she is gone.

I really don’t have words and haven’t even called close friends to tell them because a part of me wants to pretend like everything is the same and that I’ve just gone a few days without FaceTiming her. The reality is too much for me right now.

Because I have always shared her with the world I felt like I also needed to share the experience I am going through now which is trying to celebrate her life and the memories we have had with smiles in between the grieving.

If you’re so lucky to still have your grandparents around, do me a favor and call them just to say hi, because you never know when it will be the last time. ❤️

I love you Gram. And I know you’re looking down on me with a drink in hand.

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