Scarlett Johansson, a mesmerizing presence in the world of entertainment, is an acclaimed American actress known for her versatility, magnetic screen presence, and striking beauty. Born on November 22, 1984, in New York City, Johansson has established herself as one of the most talented and influential performers of her generation.

With a career spanning over two decades, Scarlett Johansson has showcased her remarkable acting range in a diverse range of roles. From her breakout performances in films like “Lost in Translation” and “Girl with a Pearl Earring” to her compelling portrayal of Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Johansson has consistently delivered nuanced and captivating performances that have garneredcritical acclaim and resonated with audiences worldwide.


  1. When I first saw Scarlet as a child acting I got the chills by her phenomenal acting. I knew she'd become one of thee most talented of talented actresses. And here we are. …

  2. I don't get it. What's so special bout her? Телка is average looking, а все как попугаи кудахчут о её неземной красоте.

  3. Idolatran y en mi ciudad hay mas mamasotas y hermosas que ella.. Hollywood si nos quiere meter unas cosas… Jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja jajajaja

  4. Шведки на наших мордвинок похожи, что Йохансон, что Фальтског. Видно одно племя – финно-угорское.

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