Christmas at the Palace 2024 | New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 Romantic Movies 2024

Good morning Charlotte get off your phone Sebastian honey time for school morning Mom morning Honey Charlotte Sebastian Breakfast okay your lunches are here Sebastian here’s your homework Charlotte your cheer uniform is in the laundry room stop blowing bubbles in your juice hey Mom after school can we get our Christmas tree yes can we please no not today your dad’s picking you up after school for the weekend okay so we’re

Running late you got 15 minutes we’re not late early is on time and on time is late late exactly go go Go Hey roomy how’s the new be business going good I thought you were starting a new workout routine today um well I’m not really a morning person so I’m going to going to do it after work no I have volleyball after work uh I’ll start it tomorrow have a good day Bye Okay Austin time for your Healthy Pet visit let’s go go Go hey Everett hello how was your weekend it’s good yeah how was yours oh how was your date um he spent the entire time talking about his ex-girlfriend and then he showed me videos of them together last Christmas wow then he started crying okay so no second date I take it

No definitely not I went home and I added not your therapist to my dating profile what James wants the presentation by noon mhm he assigned it to us last night mhm I really need a new job yeah how many years have you been saying that oh well I just need to

Update my resume mhm Hey what happened um I I I would have gotten here soon her I had to deposit the big sale money well Charlotte was disrespectful in class and rude to her teacher that doesn’t sound like Charlotte um okay I’ll talk to her actually I wanted to talk to you about

Christmas I was hoping to take the kids to flor fla my parents R to the beach house um do the kids know about it I want to talk to you first don’t worry I’ll have them back by the 30th like we planned yeah yeah I’m sure they’ll love

That so don’t forget the sunscreen and their hats and the sun shirts you know how Sebastian Burns yeah yeah just get out do better Scrooge is on a war path today what did I miss early this morning he fired Sutton for going to her uncle’s wedding instead of the new Summit

Marketing conference no sopia yes all right yes well Sophia we have a problem Oh yes our former counting assistant didn’t bother f filing any invoices before he gave his notice uh Jake said he finished those no by the looks that he didn’t even start and they

All have to be processed by the end of the year well next week is Christmas and I’m going to be out of the country well then I suggest you find someone who will be in the country and you know just I’ll reschedule my trip that’s SC Whoa I want someone else’s life this Christmas hey hey can you talk U just give me a second oh yeah yeah hey what’s wrong what happened Patrick’s taking the kids out of town I’d ask if I can still come on your trip to Mexico but there’s no one who can

Watch the dog at this late date so I’m just stuck here yeah the trip is off I’m stuck here working all next week a still rather be you than me still there mhm I’m just remembering how we used to switch places as kids all the time you used to do my math exams

For me yeah you went to the junior prom with Patrick as me I had the flu body ask back in the K well would you like to mindlessly process invoices here while I enjoy the snow and watch Christmas movies yeah that’s a great idea and then

You can come here and you wouldn’t even have any distractions you could work on your new resume and apply for for new jobs yeah that I don’t know I don’t know hey Sophia um James wants all the analytical reports done by 2:00 today yeah you know what all right yeah let’s

Do it let’s switch places for Christmas great okay hi a I can’t believe we’re doing this well we’ve never been caught before okay the the one time here’s my phone okay here’s mine oh and this ah yes [Laughter] okay so I have to wear this yeah modern scrubs for the working

Mom all right time for some serious alterations thank you mer Christmas H Austin hi don’t tell anyone I’m not your Mom what is this me JM No oh no no no no no no all Right Austin I have to go buy you more food Uh that’s better hi are you kidding me sorry I mean hi hi Cloud how was your day good your hair’s different yeah I uh thought I could use a change do you like it it’s Different did you move my beads yeah yeah I just to vacuum I put them away a Sophia it took me hours to organize them by H oh I’m I’m I’m so sorry I um the apartment looks nice Right Kayn how is Charlotte I heard all about it from Natalie uh what happened I mean what did you hear happen Mrs turny asked each of the students what holiday family traditions they were most looking forward to and Charlotte refus to participate a um you know we’re having the convers

Ation I’m sure you are how are you are you ready for Christmas um well Patrick has the kids H so it’s just me and Austin oh I’m so sorry to hear that I know how hard that’ll be for you no no no not at all I’m really looking forward

To having the house to myself oh you are that’s a good attitude yeah because oh I’m going to miss them so much and yeah I don’t know how I’m going to get through the holidays without them well you’re strong you will get through this this the children will be back

Before you know it thank you I’ll uh see you soon Okay I recommend the ulog um I don’t know that gingerbread looks pretty good trust me hope for you log did you bake it yourself bye Ken anything okay guess I have to get myself some UL log you won’t regret it I’m Jonathan by the way

Hi you know kayn you log tastes a lot better when it’s shared over coffee uh i’ I’d love that but I have to get home home and give Austin his dinner Austin I see no no Austin’s a dog oh just a cute dog he thinks he’s a person

But okay another time yeah yeah I’d like That I’m going to finish my resume tomorrow Austin my friend what movie should we Watch uh hi Mom prise surprise we’re back after all uh Patrick I thought you were in Florida yeah I tried calling you uh my dad is a bad cold so we canceled well I hope he feels better thank you and we came home to a burst pipe in the apartment

So looks like you have the kids for Christmas after All spoke with Charlotte she’s grounded for the school incident no phone no friends mhm yeah it seems like like the the family holiday tradition assignment really hit a sensitive spot with her right let no excuse to be rude no of course not but it’s Christmas so right

And we agreed to present a unified front no matter what yes of course Seb buddy it’s time for bed go brush your teeth okay okay good night Mom good night honey H Megan wh Meg Sophia over here hi betie hi hey you made it of course I’m not going to miss your holiday dinner we’re glad you’re here look at you a love love love your new hair thank you I decided I needed a change for Christmas especially with canceling

Cancun and everything oh yeah that’s a bummer you honestly need a new job right I keep saying that and I don’t do anything about it how’s the boyfriend Adam Adam he’s amazing just wonderful the only thing is he has his best friend that just broke up with his girlfriend and he tags along

With us everywhere we go what hey what I should totally set you up with Grayson no no no no I’ve sworn off dating till until the new year but you’re always begging me to set you up with a good guys yes no I know that I

Keep dating the same type of guy and it doesn’t work out and I don’t learn my lesson but please no exactly why I’m setting this up no excuses I okay I would love to meet Grayson the week after Christmas looks like tomorrow night works just great for Grayson Megan I’m

Serious oh my God babe you don’t have to thank me you’re so welcome it’s okay good morning honey since Stop’s not coming can we get our Christmas tree today sure really yeah why not right now yeah why not go get your coat I’ll get your sister yes Charlotte you

Up I’m sorry your trip got cancelled but I’m happy you’re back I missed you my beautiful girl Sebastian wants to get a Christmas tree you want to get up I can’t I’m Grounded do you understand why your dad grounded you I was rude in class and I’m sorry I already apologized to my teacher hey I understand why you didn’t want to do the assignment promise everything’s going to be okay am I still grounded you’re good listen because it’s Christmas I’m going to make an

Exception but you can’t tell your dad you’re the best I won’t okay could I have my phone too oh you’re pushing it now hey new hair I like it a thank you I’m not used to anyone noticing when I do something different how was your night um holiday

Dinner with friends it was fun but I’m not used to staying out so late on a school whole night really you hazards of a Carefree Life it is not letting me log in well your your cap lock is on oh thanks Sophia morning James good morning listen I need 30 copies of this for the meeting in 5 minutes get me a refill and tell Jack Simms I got to push the lunch till next

Week that’s 30 copies coffee push lunch with Jack Simmons got it Me where are the 30 copies where’s it I’m getting to it James I only have two hands what did you say I’ll get you 30 copies stapled just like you asked and it oh I think I might have found it oh no this one this one is even better I

Think someone’s excited for Christmas seriously hey you can pick any tree you want really you’re letting us pick yeah well after I approve it oh guys I think I found it this the one oh Jonathan okay I promise you I am not following you okay

Swear I’m just here to pick up a couple of trees for the community center Oh Good Samaritan I got to make sure I’m on Santa’s nice list are you usually on this nauy list never oh okay hey I tried the uog you’re right it’s delicious good good I’m glad to hear

It about that coffee are you free tomorrow uh I should be yeah I have your number um why don’t you give me yours sure yeah I look forward to your call great you have one new message kayin you have to go on this date tonight Megan will be suspicious if

You don’t and what if Grayson is the love of my life and another girl snatches him up before I can meet him do you want to have that on your conscience forever stop sighing dating is a numbers game and I didn’t want to go to prom

With Patrick but I did it for you the very least you can do is go on this date with Grayson for me real estate license and I move up here a lot of my properties go for seven or eight figures I collect sports cars I’ve got a Ferrari I went Lamborghini a

Limited edition Bugatti oh wow I used to collect vintage records I I’m hoping to get a Pagani to my collection next but we’ll see uh so yeah if you want to give me 15 bucks for your half that’ll cover your Half oh you’re not Kidding here’s a 20 I will get change thanks so much so what are you looking for and and a guy H um a best friend someone who loves me and listens to me someone who doesn’t work around the clock so they have time to help with the kids in the house and

The dog and the meals and the laundry and getting everyone everywhere like a taxi someone who doesn’t get get upset when I don’t have any more energy to give anymore at the end of the day kids yeah mhm mhm someone who appreciates me and doesn’t take me

For granted and doesn’t take their work stress out on me yeah cuz you know like no one gets married expecting it to end people change MH there isn’t an easy answer to your question I think I just want the same thing everyone wants m Yeah wow this has been uh nice uh I have to I have this call okay I think I scared him off is that my French mud mask what yeah this stuff is amazing yeah it should be for what I paid for it trust me he was not for you I told you dating

Is hard hard you are so lucky you found your person in high school well we know how that turned out although on our first date Patrick brought me a sunflower he held open all the doors and he paid for everything like a true gentleman hey speaking of Patrick and

The kids I don’t want you to worry about anything okay keep enjoying yourself you deserve this hang on I think someone’s in the house oh no did you forget to lock the pantry if Austin gets into the garbage he’s going to be sick on the carpet and I just had them cleaned

R okay the cleaner is under the sink you have to let it sh sh there’s someone here I have to call you Back Patrick kayen what are you what are you doing what are you going to do with this you scared me I almost clobbered you okay I Austin got into the trash I got most of it you guys forgot to lock the pantry what are you doing

Here I had to get some tools and towels from the basement you could have done that in the morning and not scared me to death your tree is gigantic it’s it’s crooked well I blame Sebastian I can fix it if you want me to no I like it it’s the Leaning Tree of

Christmas you like this you well I’m not that stringent yeah I mean a I’m a little bit stringent all right you you remember this from the first Christmas gosh so we started dating in high school so that would have been what year first Christmas after we got married right remember we went to three different stores try to find the perfect ornament right okay I’ve got I’ve got to wash this mask off my face cuz it’s drying do

You want a coffee for the road I stopped drinking coffee 6 years ago remember I’m going to go wash this mask off my face So what are you up to this evening oh some friends are having a holiday party at the beach and then tomorrow my roommate’s having an ugly sweater party wow you really do have a fun social life I thought I would love it but it’s actually exhausting I don’t

Know how she does I don’t know how I do it all aorn oh no no I can’t stand that stuff really since when oh you Know it’s not perfect but no it’s great you’re going to be the hit of the toy drive you know I hope whoever gets this loves it as much as I did I’m sure they will honey I never even wor this yeah I don’t blame you you bought it for

Me yeah I mean you should wear it because floral Ruffles are coming back hey everybody I have my donations um you know what you guys keep wrapping I’m going to go to the store and buy some more paper and tape okay well I have a meeting in a half an hour

I can’t miss it kayen are you listening to me I cannot miss this meeting okay I hear you I’ll be back in a chiffy I’ve been waiting and wondering and wondering and sadly no phone call that’s because I’m being mysterious you’re making my vacation very mysterious indeed your vacation I

Work part-time at the fire department but my main job is teaching American history and coaching track at the high school oh I bet you took that job for the summmer off I plead the fifth though I do genuinely love history h ah if I recall I got an A on my

History of Christmas paper senior here oh yeah golden star for you but you know what I don’t I don’t have one on me right now then I’ll just take that cup of coffee instead yeah what I love most is showing the kids how past events influence today’s decisions beliefs and

Actions I would have paid a lot more attention in school if my teachers were as passionate as you I do my best okay if you could go back to any time in history what would you choose the Roaring 20s that’s interesting why well with the economic Prosperity after World War I it

Was an era of artistic cultural and social vivacity Jazz Flappers modern Technologies women won the right to vote just everything about that decade was novel and exciting yeah yeah I guess that would have been an amazing time to experience now if only we could find a time machine okay what about you same

Question huh the Golden Age of piracy wow just sail around and find some gold and treasure and spice you know live the life I I could see ye as another an Bon your Merry Reid thanks matey um oh boy it’s been 2 hours wow how did that happen um I

Really really enjoyed this but I really have to go so thank you for the Christmas LTE you welcome I hope we can do this again soon yeah so do I bye Bye kayn where you been I’ve been calling and texting you for like an hour and a half I’m so sorry I lost track of time well it’s not like you to be so responsible I said I was sorry I was worried the kids were worried I I I missed my

Meeting oh I wish I had that time machine right now what look it won’t happen again I um I just have to finish Rapping hey girl hey so how did it go with Grayson oh no not going to happen he is not the one Sophia honey you got to stop being so picky I used to think so too but it is not a bad thing to have standards okay

So let’s say Grayson isn’t the right one right no nope but if you don’t lower your expectations you’re going to end up alone no one’s perfect right no one’s perfect that’s true I’m certainly the first to admit I’m Not what happened are the kids okay I I have to leave for the farmers market and uh I’m blocked in oh no I I need you to move your car oh I’m so sorry didn’t think you were going today because of the ugly Christmas sweater party wait that’s not until

Tonight oh do you want me to make something you you said you were going to make your famous Christmas cheesecake right of course I did you know that’s actually my sister’s recipe that I’m trying to pass off as my own green adventuring what it promotes calmness and joyfulness oh yeah I’m calm I’m Joyful kids What donate keep definitely Donate hey uh what do you mean the kids are great oh yeah they’re with me didn’t I tell you that no you absolutely did not tell me that and you know it uh yeah so Patrick’s dad was sick and they had to cancel the trip to Florida Sophia I

Can’t believe you didn’t tell me that just because you didn’t want to come back to work I mean I’m booking the first flight back no no I didn’t tell you because you’ve been so stressed lately and I wanted you to enjoy some time away you always do everything for everyone else and put

Yourself last and I thought you could just relax and soak in some Ocean Air and have fun with my friends okay well I appreciate that and I know you meant well but it’s Christmas and I want to be with my kids no he all the flights into Cleveland are

Cancelled because of blizzards okay okay there’s nothing we can do about it right now and worrying doesn’t help so go have fun at the swe party I’ll keep checking the airport and weather status when did you become the reasonable twin um I don’t know having kids will do that to

You can’t believe they haven’t figured out it’s not me okay to be fair I have been keeping my distance from Patrick and the kids really only know their aunt Sophia with long blonde hair so I guess so I am their mother they also think you’re having some kind of post separation midlife

Crisis sop yeah okay great yeah well that would explain it so keep me posted bye Bye Merry Christmas Mom look it’s stand on CL oh okay put your donations on the table for the L Merry Christmas I’m so proud of you too sometimes we forget that there are people who don’t have as much as we do yeah I’m glad we could help all these kids have a great Christmas

Too oh wow incred oh boy what um nothing why don’t we go home and make those cookies okay come on um see bit can we see Santa Mrs Claus please yes of course you can I’ll take it okay great I’ll see you in just a couple minutes okay Jonathan hey thought that was

You um I didn’t expect to see you here the fire department is one of the Christmas draft sponsors so a great that’s really great did you tell Santa what you want um no I didn’t I told Mrs Claus she has the better track record a well then I

Better make sure to let her know what my Christmas wish is oh what’s that no I’m not going to tell I can’t tell you it might not come true okay well give me a hand okay um it might have something to do with New Year’s Eve I’m getting a

Date with this beautiful intelligent woman I recently met oh I uh I hope your wish comes true me too what are you doing later um I have plans I’m uh doing some family stuff uh I figured but I I thought I’d ask anyway hey John um if your plans change

Give me a call I’d love to see you Okay big snowstorm on the Christmas Charlotte turn five you remember that Kayla oh yeah uh you know what I think I I think I heard the dryer I didn’t hear anything no I got to get the laundry um I’ll be down in a minute there’s a lot of work looking

After a family I mean it’s worth it something you want to talk to me about I don’t think so no about your recent coffee date perhaps uh I promise you it is not what you think I’m married that was I’m vetting him for Sophia what does your sister have to do

With this everything she hasn’t met anyone nice in a really long time and did I tell you she’s actually thinking about moving out here she’ll need a job first but she did finally work on her resume and actually you work in Mar marketing so I was going to ask

You if you could look for any openings in our company kayen I want to talk about us not Sophia look can we can we talk about us after Christmas well why not now it’s important it was not supposed to be like this you weren’t supposed to be here I

Just wanted a peaceful Christmas where I could watch holiday movies with Austin this is not this is just I don’t know what to do well you always used to know what to do and you always used to have all the answers as much as I hate to admit it you always

Used to be right where’s that woman trust me you don’t want to know kayen would you look at me I can’t Okay since you don’t know here’s here’s what’s going to happen I fixed the burst pipe in my apartment I’m going to take the kids tonight and then tomorrow we we’ll put on a brave face for Christmas and the lawyers will take care of the rest Patrick no no no no I’m not I’m not I’m oh man Charlotte Sebastian Get your coats we’re going to help in with some last minute Shopping this is crazy all the flights into the Cleveland area are grounded yeah I saw the news Midwest is getting dumped on good thing we live here right oh uh I’m so sorry excuse me I have to take this of course hey still haven’t gotten a flight no you

Have to get back here right now you have to get on a bus charter a plane anything what’s wrong is someone hurt no physically everyone’s fine but I just I look I tried to manage I really really did and I don’t know what everything’s just a huge mess okay uh slow down what

Happened Patrick is so mad at me he is mad at you I I thought that if I told him what was going on it would just make everything worse you have to come home okay Sophia take a breath I’m checking the weather I’m going to be on the first flight I

Can be on until then enjoy Christmas with the kids give them a big hug for me and everything’s going to be Okay yes James one those invoices coming long well they’re almost half finished mhm this job has taken more effort and focus than I expected that’s good it’s very good uh listen I’ve got a problem I dropped this now it doesn’t work so can you get it it’s Christmas Eve the it

Department’s gone home ah okay well just take it out for repairs I know the shops are open late James I am no longer your assistant I’m an account manager and I’d appreciate it if you started treating me like huh well you’re right you are not my assistant anymore so I guess I’ll just handle this will I I guess so I’m glad we cleared that up me

Too and I’d like you to approve my raise it’s been 2 months you know I deserve it well Sophia You’re what’s what’s wrong what happened I just got released from my employment contract what why insubordination tops the list followed by a negative attitude and oh um did I mention I’m not a team player even though I gave up my vacation to work through the holidays that’s oh man

Yeah she she’s been talking about getting a new job for years so so now she just has to I think you’re uh I think you’re in shock you’re talking about yourself in the third person she she I I’ll I’ll just get something better right something better will come along

This is a a good thing right this is a good thing this is a very good thing yeah absolutely Wow we did it Austin we emailed my resume to 22 companies and this is what we wanted right boy quiet Peaceful Christmas Hey Merry Christmas Merry Christmas than hell you’re welcome thanks so much for meeting me glad you called um I’m not interrupting your Christmas plans onlyway not at all I was finishing a shift at the fire department have you ever tried roasted chestnuts no but I’ve sung about them that’s

Funny beautiful here isn’t it yeah all we need are some Carriage lanterns and a quartet singing the parade of Wooden Soldiers and it would be just like your favorite decade the 1920s well as fcot Fitzgerald would say in The Great Gatsby that’s my middle West Street lamps and sleigh bells in

The frosty dark and the shadows of Holly Reed thrown by lighted windows in the snow wow oh yum should I do it do it I’ve never been married but I’ve always wanted a big family though how about you uh same same I’ve been single

For a long time I thought I was just un Lucky in dating um but now I’m thinking that maybe I needed to figure out what I wanted to do with my life first I have a hard time believing that nobody’s been able to sweep you off your feet oh what I’ve seen you

Are stunningly beautiful inside end up thanks maybe I haven’t been in the right place to meet the right guy until now until now kayn oh hey hi I’ve been worrying about you being all alone at Christmas but I can see now I don’t need to be oh have a wonderful holiday you

Too um it’s getting late I should probably go had a really great time tonight I did too Jonathan there’s something I need to tell you what is it um I uh Um Merry Christmas Merry Christmas what’s going on cloud I’m moving out on uh on Christmas what uh look uh if this is because of me I’m going to be back to my easy breezy self next week I promise I I already signed a new lease in a super cool house

With three other artists who also work at the farmers market cool well what am I supposed to do you have until New Year to be out that’s next week I look I have legal rights it’s my apartment and you didn’t sign a lease so no actually you you

Don’t that figures that I wouldn’t sign a lease okay I’m going to pack up my stuff what stuff is mine mom wake up wake got Merry Christmas we’re back from Dad yeah Merry Christmas I didn’t know you’d be back so soon well Sebastian couldn’t wait to see

What Santa brought yeah let’s go come on wait for me look at these didn’t they tell you that you were flying into ice and snow I’m uh coming back from California I think my blood thinned while I was out there oh where to home can’t wait to see my

Kids that’s great lady but I still need an address okay Santa let’s see what you got wow it’s exactly what I wanted Santa’s the best this is so much better than Cancun what I said my heart is full in this room hey Mom can you help me set this up Sure What’s wrong I need to check the tires hang tight it’s flat it’ll take me a few to change it oh well the coffee Shop’s open I’ll get a coffee do you want something my treat black with cream no sugar would be much appreciated I’ll get you when I’m done

Okay here you go thank you so much Merry Christmas oh thank you you’re welcome oh my goodness did I spill on you no no not at all okay are you okay I’m okay thank good um I had a really good time last night uh oh

You yes me too do you think we could maybe uh it’s going to be a little while lady oh do you need to ride somewhere no no no no um I I I need to get home how long will you be this is for you thanks uh 15 20 minutes

I can drop you off really it’s not a problem um yeah that would be great thank you so uh what happened to your car that you were in a taxi oh it wouldn’t start and I had errands last minute Christmas Day errands you uh you needed all this stuff to run errands

No um no I no I I’m going home and this isn’t my luggage because it’s my sisters so so she’s coming to visit I picked her up and and then my car wouldn’t start is she still in there oh uh no um so what happened so yeah what happened

Is she lost her luggage and I had to pick it up from the airport for her she’s here she’s here here she’s already here here okay thank you no thank You that one goes right there try this one hey Merry Christmas hey Dad Merry Christmas Hey where’s your mother uh she’s upstairs resting hey Dad want to help us with the puzzle Santa got it all the way from the North Pole for us that’s awesome buddy

And I will let me just uh let me just get this garbage out first are you sure you want to leave that stuff outside yes please I I don’t mind I can help you bring it in no it’s good thanks my sister she likes cold clothes she it’s she’s

Quirky um so thanks for the ride um kin about last night I Patrick what uh who who is this he’s uh he’s he’s he’s kind of my um I’m her Husband you’re married yes but it’s not what it seems like I I think I should go um I’m sorry I had no idea she’s married I if I did I never would have thought you were upstairs resting oh I was I I I am I’m exhausted from the

Christmas excitement and I’m going to um go back upstairs okay well we still have to talk we do that later cool Sophia wake up I’m home you made I’ve been texting you oh I think my phone’s downstairs Mom Mom okay uh I’ll keep the kids in the

Family room you go outside as soon as you can your stuff’s by the side of the house oh my beautiful girl are you sick no just resting it’s a big morning hey you want to help me make dinner I thought we were having dinner catered this year you’re right I Forgot you’re so weird H I know that’s your Christmas wait let’s go find your brother I’ll get it a Sophia hi Aunt Sophia’s here an Sophia hi surprise Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I didn’t know you were coming I know hi hi your hair what you look just like Mom now oh love it yeah yeah you do h i this is a wonderful surprise if I’d known you

Were coming I would have cleaned the guest room I’m sure it’s fine well we’re all really happy to have you a yeah I’m so happy to see you all I realized that for Christmas there is nowhere I’d rather be than with family come On you look at this our first catered Christmas dinner yeah that was a pretty fantastic idea you had to let someone else cook Christmas dinner so you could spend the day with your kids yeah I have my moments sometimes don’t I hey everybody hello hello Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I miss you you invited him you said you’d keep a happy face to get through today right right do you want to pass one to your brother Sophia hi hey I didn’t I didn’t know you’re visiting for Christmas yeah

I thought I’d surprise everyone oh that’s great the kids had an amazing time when we visited you last summer yeah how long you stay in just a couple days wow that’s a lot of luggage for just a couple days I I wanted to make sure I had everything I

Need actually Sophia’s going to stay with us for a little while oh I wish I could but I do have to get back to work it’s okay you can tell them I’ll tell them Sophia was fired for insubordination and not being a team Player yeah I yeah I was let go I I’m sorry I wasn’t ready to tell any of you that because I was so shocked I still don’t believe it well I’m really sorry to hear that Sophia what’s in subordination it just means ant Sophia is looking for a new

Job that she enjoys where she gets paid what she deserves and treated with respect yes that’s right anyway I still can’t stay for too long because I still have an apartment to get back to but actually weren’t you telling me that your roommate canell your lease and moved out with her new artist Friends yeah I Did yeah and I know you didn’t want me to tell everyone that but um we’re your family and we love you and we’re here to support you anyway we can well I appreciate that I’m really sorry to hear all this Sophia thank you yes it has been a rough

Week I mean things like this usually work out in the ambo right yeah there’s a sober lining to any situation if you look for it okay who wants to say grace okay we’re going to put it right over there I got it come on I got it move

This out of the way okay I got this right there set it set it down cool snipy can look at the Moon I can’t believe you got me fired and evicted well technically you weren’t evicted mean I guess I should thank you for doing what I should have done a long

Time ago and actually I have a lot to tell you I hey you need some help no thanks I think we got it by the way that’s a beautiful ring sopia actually it it uh reminds me of the one I got my lovely bride yeah cuz it’s hers she let me try

It on and uh I hadn’t given it back yet here you go thank you yeah I thinking about getting a similar one but with different Stones yeah there there’s a trend now of um buying a wedding ring for yourself it’s like who who needs a man

Right uh by the way sopia if you’re actually thinking to move in here my company has an opening for director of marketing I think I can get you an interview uh really that would be amazing thank you Patrick I was I was just about to tell you that I’m seriously considering moving back

Here please move to Ohio I know that your life in California is really exciting but we would just really love to have you close by I’ve been feeling the need for a change for a long time and the kids are growing up so fast and

I miss my twin sister and I just want to be closer to you all and yeah plus you can spend some more time with your boyfriend Jonathan I mean long distance right that’s so tough when you’re first starting out well he’s not my boyfriend yet and long

Distances no um I know why it’s confused yeah so kayn wanted me to meet Jonathan because um she she was like okay no just just stop okay so was you the whole time pretending to be my wife that’s real nice Kayn so sorry Patrick wait have you done this before switched on me just once it was Junior Prom I was sick Becky McKinnon had a huge thing for you sopia when is you yeah look wait we used to trick our parents all the time they couldn’t tell us apart

Either for the record I wouldn’t have just dumped you because you’re sick but you’re not a teenager anymore so to switch like this now okay I’m sorry so did you enjoy your time in California did you did you like being Sophia I did actually it helped me realize some

Things oh what that you just love the single life no as a matter of fact so I interrupt kayn you forgot this in my truck thanks oh uh wait Jonathan right there’s um before you go somebody I want you to meet Patrick Sophia no it’s okay Sophia um well um oh apparently my wife and her twin sister switched places this Christmas I’m confused I am kayn we just met today then who was I that was me I’m Sophia this is so you’re not married no 100% single yeah they’ve been doing this whole

Switcheroo game since high school so you know jokes on us I’m going go say goodbye to the kids sorry I do you think we could um what pick up where we left off I don’t know a single thing about you you lied to me about everything no I

Didn’t everything I told you was true except my name and that I live in California and then I have a twin sister but I mean I I really wanted to tell you I I I really like you sure have a funny way of showing it pretending to be someone else can we start

Over I don’t see how I can trust you anymore you trust me I um I don’t think I can get past this lying by Omission is still lying I’m sorry kayin just Sophia but whoever you Are so you said you wanted to talk I’m ready to talk honestly I don’t think I have anything more to say let’s just talk in the lawyer’s office look I just didn’t want to be home alone you were supposed to be out of town I needed a break from my

Life I mean I needed a break from me like I somewhere in the midst of all the go go go I forgot that we’re meant to enjoy en Our Lives we supposed to enjoy the moments while we have them because in the end I mean that’s all we have go on so

This past week I I realized more than ever that I want our life together I want our family and I know I need to change things and I’m going to work on that but you need to change things too okay so from now on weekends are for family

Time and I’m going to hire a cleaning service so that I’m not always so stressed about the house does that mean we only have so much time before the kids are grown and they’re off to college is there more supposed to be each other’s best friends you know to treat each other

With kindness and respect no more sarcasm no more taking each other for granted okay I can agree to all that is there more yeah I want you to take me on dates again this keeps getting better and better yeah I want you to buy me sunflowers and chocolates and hold the

Doors open for me and pay for dinner and why you to listen to me like you used to you’re getting pretty demanding anything else yeah one more thing I want you to come home look I’m sorry I didn’t mean for us to get so off track okay I

Didn’t I won’t let it happen again okay I love you kayin I love you too Forever I just need to add one more thing yeah what is it you and Sophia need to promise to never switch on me again okay I promise okay Okay you hear anything from Jonathan no I’ve sent texts and left messages but haven’t heard back well maybe he just needs more time it’s almost new years’s you can start with a fresh slate or maybe he just doesn’t want anything to do with me mom said we get the angriest at the

People we love the most so if he’s that mad he must really love you I hope that’s true sweetie mom and dad didn’t give up on love so you shouldn’t either should listen to my girl she’s a smart one all right that’s the last of it

Thank you so much for moving my stuff that’s no problem I had to get my stuff out of that apartment anyway so I uh I paid the rent for 6 months that should give you enough time to start your new job save a little money I appreciate this so much Patrick you’re welcome

What are you smiling at my Christmas wish came true so did mine so did mine so did Mine Thanks Alice oh I’ve got something for You you are throwing a New Year’s Eve party no no I just offer the venue I’m not the host I’m I messed up big time I’m so sorry I should have told you the truth right from the start and I think we could have something really

Special if you give me another chance I promise I will be honest with you always I think I’d be a right sap if I said anything other than him absolutely I will always be stuck on you Jonathan happy New Year Sophia oh


  1. Get it right, you are not giving us the video you have advertised! Bad, bad on your part!!! You deserve a thumbs down for this, get
    it right next time, or find another business to get into!!!

  2. I like twins movies but its the subterfuge and lying that spoil them. I mean why don't they just tell the truth when they're found out. It would still be enough dramatic tension to make a good story.

  3. This movie has been given sooooo many different titles over the past five months…it's hilarious! I can identify it from its first few minutes, then I pass on to the next one!

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