I’m a huge hockey girl, and have loved The Biebs for many years. Watching him this weekend, with the biggest, goofiest grin on his face LITERALLY all weekend was the absolute best!



  1. befuddled_humbug on

    From what I’ve read, he has struggled quite a bit with his mental health. It’s nice to see him genuinely happy here.

  2. Dear-Ambition-273 on

    I like it when Canadians do Canadian stuff because I found Degrassi at an extremely impressionable age.

  3. chhhhhhhhhhh95 on

    This is the second post I’ve seen lately where he looked so happy with a very genuine smile. Obviously none of us know what life is really like for him but he struggled for so long and I hope he’s genuinely in a good place these days. So often he’s been photographed looking unhappy so it’s nice to see

  4. So cool to see as a big hockey fan who appreciates his fandom. Him and Tate McRae were the highlights of the weekend.

  5. I want to note as well, he went on ice for warm ups, and stopped for almost ALL players on all four teams to take pictures, they seemed just as excited as he was!

    A few on different teams even asked if he was planning on suiting up! You could tell he wanted to, but declined haha

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