Commissioner Reagan (Tom Selleck) finds himself in a predicament—he has an exceptional cop, Officer Gilson (Sofia Vassilieva), under fire for posing naked for money on an adult website. After speaking directly to other members of her precinct—many of whom supported her but many who didn’t—Officer Gilson is summoned to One Police Plaza. She is quick to defend her actions and offer her resignation, but Commissioner Reagan isn’t having it.

Blue Bloods | Season 13, Episode 6
“Blue Bloods” is a compelling television series that strikes a unique balance between crime drama and family dynamics. Set in the bustling and diverse backdrop of New York City, the show revolves around the Reagan family, where each member has dedicated their life to public service, with many of them working for the NYPD. Led by the family patriarch, Police Commissioner Frank Reagan, portrayed by Tom Selleck, “Blue Bloods” delves into the ethical challenges, moral dilemmas, and intense cases faced by law enforcement officers while highlighting the familial bonds that bind them together. The show combines riveting police procedural elements with heartfelt family moments, making it a standout in the genre. With its strong ensemble cast, which includes Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, and Will Estes, “Blue Bloods” explores themes of justice, honor, and the complexities of doing the right thing in a city where crime and politics often collide. It’s a series that not only keeps viewers engaged with its compelling mysteries but also tugs at the heartstrings as it portrays the Reagans as a family united by a commitment to justice and each other.

#BlueBloods #TomSelleck #NYPD

As you work I am aware that officer Gilson is currently working nights and I am also aware that there just might be a lot of opinions concerning a certain issue so let’s have them well I think she’s doing a ter one at a time please officer Justin sir officer Justin and speak

Cup sir the fact that she’s at on patrol right now is a joke how by being a great cop cuz that’s the only thing that matters yeah commissioner he doesn’t speak for me I’ve done a million toys with Gilson and she’s top-notch yeah but now the Public’s going to be making eyes

At her and every other woman on the job thank you like we’re not getting dissed enough out there already it’s going to be a sideshow every time she’s out there and everybody knows come on how long till all this blows over a day it it never blows over uh officer

Martinez officer Martinez you were her partner in Prospect Park the other night what’s your take that she saved my neck I didn’t know about this other stuff till yesterday and I couldn’t care less Carly’s a hero in my book pretty much all of us sir except

The ones who can see how bad this ends thanks for coming up of course dat me to the punch in fact that’s not how I wanted this to go only way it can look I know firsthand how brutal the papers can be to anyone on their job but it’s not that

Sir then what I mean yeah it’s no fun seeing my name and my photos splashed everywhere but when news got out my followers went through the roof doubled tripled Still Counting and with it their donations in amounts that I can’t turn Down you can put that back On I can’t give up the sidekick I have 35,000 cops under my command what they do on their own time is none of my business unless they’re breaking the law which you are not so you’re forbidding me to quit I am I can’t afford to lose any cops let alone an exceptional One thank you sir and if anyone comes at you with this personal stuff let your partner handle it save your adrenaline for the folks who need you copy that sir and maybe could we just skip the formalities today just do your job come home safe thank you Sir


  1. Ive watched this show since its 1st Season. I love it. Frank really shows loyalty towards his cops under his command being a former cop himself. He refuses to let himself be pushed around. If he son's make mistakes on the job he doesn't let them get away with it he treats them like every one of his other 35,000 cops .

  2. Really good episode. What officer Gilson did was not illegal and she was a good cop that had her teammates backs. Its not like she was one of the Blue Templars who killed Joe Reagan Sr.

  3. The series made me a bigger Tom Selleck fan than I already was and it's because of scenes like this. His character of Commissioner Frank Reagan is a man of wit, wisdom and simple common sense. Sad to hear the series is ending after this season but I'm looking forward to it.

  4. Ya, sorry, 32 yr retired law enforcement and yes the ethics have gone to crap in regards to beards, tattoo’s, and other issues, but this is one thats way to far for any agency to overlook and allow to continue. She would have been on admin leave the moment this was found out and within weeks if not days she would have been terminated. Every department has this great catch all, “conduct unbecoming an officer” which means they can fire you for anything they want as long as they don’t like it. Not to mention the sexual harassment issues that would go along with this, its one big liability issue for the department that I don’t care if she was a nun who saved a handful of kids from a burning bus, she would be gone and never mentioned again in that department. This show is the make believe “woke” world that progressives cult members with multiple pronouns live. In the real world she wouldn’t have even had a meeting with him, she would have been dealing with IA who would have done it all.


  6. Every episode is same thing. He’s sits at the desk breathing heavy and then has some big speech or advice to give .. for yrs now he’s told the staff to pretty much move on to another assignment but they stay, every other episode is on how only Sid n baker are cops n garrett isn’t ☹️.. only we’ve seen Sid as one of Danny’s original co’s. Didn’t know baker or Garrett till 1pp.. baker never had her own episode. She investigated somebody on one and other one she was assaulted n felt she’d been at 1pp too long n if she was on the streets still she could’ve stopped the guy 😪. Frank breathing heavy n then gives speech n always reminded of what the job was vs what is is now ☹️

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