Kim Kardashian’s 10-Year Plan & Why Anthony Mackie Turns Down Fan Pics! Episode 211 S12 – 06/24/24

[Music] Kim Kardashian has a new 10-year plan and it might surprise you I am Drake gone country y’all we’ll tell you how he’s embracing Texas life plus honey audre 3000 has an unusual reason for using Instagram but first let’s get this started all right y’all y’all know Billy Ray cus is divorc and fire Rose his wife of less than a year and he accused her y’all guess what what fraud yes and that’s not all reportedly phyro blocked at least one of Billy Ray’s daughters from contacting him on his cell phone or other devices so that could be Miley you know they have been a kind of a strain for the past couple years or it could be his other daughters Noah or brandy or maybe even all of them yes um y’all Billy Ray is 62 and she’s in her 30s is this one of the dangers of dating someone younger like they mess with your technology yep not yep y yep that’s what happens now when you go on dating on some old younger last like that no like Billy 62 he doesn’t know everything in iPhone can do fire Rose does especially after an update oh man Tamar if you were single could you date a Billy Ray no no he’s pop he pop he’s 62 okay all right break hisy Breaky HP no what be Achy Breaky broke you off no thank you wony Wy Noy Noy okay all right from drama to Comedy we’re going to get a remake of the classic 80s sitcom The Golden Girls thank you for being a friend but hold on to your wicker chairs the new version is going to be on Hulu and it will be called mid-century modern and it’s going to feature a group of gay male friends living together in Palm Springs uh Matt Bower will be a ditsy character like Ray Rose who was played by Betty White Nathan Lane who everyone loved in the bird cage will basically be Dorothy AKA B Arthur and Linda Lavin who started in the 80s Show Alice will be their version of Sophia AKA Estelle Getty we don’t know who’s going to play R mclanahan’s character blanch yet looking forward to that she’s the sexy one obviously and supposedly they’re going to have a naked jiny housekeeper uh do you guys have anyone in mind for those parts uh also are you down for a reboot kind of I’m sick of these reboots do we have que guy for the straight eye going to be the same thing that’s slightly different that’s a reality show it don’t matter it’s it a bunch of Queens honey being on a show gay guys I’m not mad at Morgan Freeman for that R mclanahan slot oh what you know cuz he’s somebody who’s older and seasoned and you know and he can add a little level of gravit got be a guy head crack cuz they just said it’s guy this gay guys honey playing this it’s a golden girl who’s this sexy older gay man well besid you you should actually be on that come on that makes perfect sense I’m not we could we could throw the little gray in there oh Lord Jesus all right y well it’s time for Tat or T and today we got sha MZ he already has a bunch of tattoos but he just added one to his collection and it’s a naked man and woman cuddling right but check this out though the artist Kom ELO posted this artwork on IG way back in 2019 and after Sean got the ink the artist commented she is caressing him if you look at him closely she is not breastfeeding him he has his face to the side leaning on his chest just an expression of love and surrender I mean you think this an ill tattoo to get and is a tattoo or a tattoo I like it you like it friend you would get it no I like I like it for him oh I don’t I ain’t here for it it’s weird I feel like we have to call out that we are through our little Peach over the butt crack down there and that man is not being caressed he’s caressing like this this is an intimate tattoo I love that tattoo it’s like a woman like Jesus and what the baby Jesus like she’s holding it she’s what holding yeah Mary holding baby Jesus okay I mean y’all need to look at it in a positive way would you get this tattoo Gary yes if I was a tattoo person I would get something like that okay what would it symbolize it would symbolize love and what I could do for you when you’re in pain I could caress your hair okay well Andre 3000 is not a big fan of social media he’s never had a Facebook page and he has it posted on Twitter in 10 years but he did create a IG page and while he doesn’t follow anybody on the platform does have two posts now one is a photo of him and his flute and the other one is a video of him getting his teeth clean and he explained why he kind of keeps an Instagram presence and during a panel at the can lions International F Festival he said I only have Instagram to prevent people from stealing my name but I’ve never posted anything interesting no you know would you like to see more from Andre online yes cuz I feel like his magic is the mystery right the less of a presence he has the more you want to know what he’s showing yall right now that is a subliminal damn message what is he saying think about the flute and he getting his teeth clean what about I’m sorry so he’s getting his teeth clean so he can play the FL better wrong with you I’m sorry j Tamar think about it some people get their teeth clean cuz A Night Like A nice bright white smile every six month what does the flute symbolize then what you got to do to a flute okay I mean I get it but it’s a liot Andre gets the girls you know what I’m saying now Beyonce’s and Lucy lose come on now all right moving on y’all looks like Miss Kim Kardashian is taking her new career and acting seriously now in the latest episode of the Kardashians Kim revealed that she has a 10-year plan for her new found passion and she said I can do a movie a year I’ve got about 10 years where I still look good so that’s all I’ve got in me and then I’ll just take some time off yeah so now Kim admitted that she’s willing to tone down her Botox to get more expressive on camera but the one line she’s not willing to cross is the method of gaining weight okay okay she said no ma’am I ain’t doing that she said she ain’t putting on 500 lb for a row Oscar be damned so y’all believe Kim only has 10 more years where she’s going to be looking good or all no her mama looks fine her mama’s bomb yeah if there’s anyone I believe is going to look as good as possible for as long as possible as Kim Kardashian about that you know she pops up in random things I remember one time she played a secretary in a movie she was on America horror story you know but I don’t know like maybe if there was like you know they’re bringing suits back in some weird capacity I heard so maybe she could kind of like Flex a low muscles on that I feel like yeah that’s the thing is like being in a movie on a TV show like a regular multi-episodic TV show takes a lot Tamar you know takes a lot of time takes a lot of effort and energy and it’s like that would kind of take her away from being like the social light celebrity that she is she talked too slow to be acting it’s getting oh my God where are you going can I suck that what no I’m talking about she talking about all right ye y’all looks like all Dr is taking this move to Houston pretty seriously he was seen hitting up brandom Saddle Shop uh this is the retail store shared the news on his Facebook page alongside a flick of Drizzy BBL Drizzy posing with the cameras with a few employees they wrote yesterday we received a call that a certain person wanted to stop by our store we dropped everything and opened up for a few hours thank you Drake and his team for stopping by and getting all fixed up uh Cowboy Emoji smiling uh welcome to Washington County Texas okay do you guys think he’s uh going country is he leaving rap behind you know that would be a good place to duck off to for a a season or two you know while like you know Kendrick Lamar does his Victory lap but you know that’s not a good look that’s where Beyonce from she does country I’ve read somewhere that he bought like 300 some odd Acres just outside of Houston so this is a gigantic Ranch maybe he wants to be a cowboy I’m he need to move to montro that’s the best area in Houston like by the gallery of montro they got the rainbow streets and everything he should G you suck me into that one you you co-signed on that for him know not what I meant I meant the area yeah Galleria get his teeth clean play a flute oh my God move on I don’t want to see him on a horse cuz that’s how you could become wheelchair Drizzy if you’re not careful you know well up next Tamar why did Serena Williams to ask her dad to coach your daughter Olympia find out after the break why you always picking on me that man knows what he’s doing Nation Nation welcome back it’s time for a baby report so congratulations are in order y’all for rapping cash doll and her boyfriend Tracy T now on there new bundle of joy little Clarity doll Richardson now Clarity is the couple’s second child and they made the announcement of the babies’s arrival via IG oh that is so touching y’all now she’s a doll oh my so what do you all think honey of the name Clarity do Richardson it flows I like like it Clarity do Richardson that’s a good name and you don’t know anybody else with that name you I know single Clarity yeah especially spell with a K right yeah you think they name a Clarity because he probably was making like that it wasn’t his child she said I’m going be clear with you no I don’t her name is Cash no that’s I think it’s like yeah cash and Clarity and it’s also cash with the K as well so keeping a theme going congratulations well in other news sorry in other baby news Whiz Khalifa will soon be a father of two as he and his girlfriend Amy agular announced via IG that they are expecting a baby girl yay and this might shock some of you but no one is more happy for them than whiz Khalifa’s ex Amber Rose now Amber commented on the couple’s announcement we can’t wait to meet her y’all that is so sweet to me how sweet is that to to have V Amber be this supportive of her baby daddy and his new girlfriend a oh it’s everything yeah like they’re one of the few couples that’s in the hip-hop space that I feel like have truly consciously uncoupled and having been toxic post relationship you know yeah I love to see people working it out love to see a happy family even if things get a little complicated just finding way to like keep it positive how old is um am I mean um the girl what’s her name no the first baby oh the the baby he’s 11 like M she still got whatti six seven more years child support oh God so she probably happy I would be happy too Le all my checks coming in no they really get along they’re real family that child support’s coming whether or not she posts we can’t wait to meet your new necessarily no they really do get along they’re really supportive oh my God R for each other all right now moving on you would think that Serena the goat Williams would be the perfect trainer for a daughter Olympia who is apparently already showing signs of athleticism okay well according to Serena she’s actually not the perfect trainer at all because get this y’all she too nice Serena would actually rather have her dad coach Olympia instead she said Olympia is such a bright light and she’s so athletic even Venus was like that kid has more Talent than you and I combine and she’s not lying I already told my dad maybe you you have to coach her because I’m too nice do you feel like Serena has a point like you need somebody who’s not Mom to step in cuz her dad coaching her made her as great as she is but sometimes you know what your weakness isn’t your flaws are so you got called into the strong reinforcements okay think about it like this think about it this for for anyone’s money is he not the greatest tennis coach of all time and he’s this girl’s Granddad of course he coaches her yeah iconic actually right yeah the only person that would be better would be Will Smith Who’s acting in the movie exactly but I believed him yeah he’s very good the academy but Richard went through a lot y acting like yall don’t remember what he just went through that divorce with that young woman he was married to she lost the damnn mansion and he’s probably stressed out that would probably be more of a reason to train someone really well to play tennis well up next Honey Anthony Macky is still not taking pictures with fans honey but now we have the reason find out why after the break Nation welcome back hey hey well Anthony says he don’t care what y’all got to say about him not taking photos with fans because he is standing on it okay we’re doing the holwood reporters Round Table Anthony addressed fans not putting enough respect on Captain America’s name when he says no the photos listen to this I have people tell me all the time well this is what you signed up for I’m like I’m like that’s crazy that’s like telling a girl that because she got put on a cute dress and went to a bar she signed signed up for me to harass her all night no in this day and age we literally learn that we have to respect everyone’s know okay well the man said what he said what y’all think I understand where he coming from and he went on to say later in that same interview that like you know sometimes people will take a picture of you and use it in a weird ass way to kind of get Cloud off for you and he’s like yo respect my space respect my boundaries and I’m just going to say no to everybody well he should take I will say this and I mean on everything Tamar take pictures with everybody and that’s one thing commend you for I mean I’ll be looking like d people come up and ask you to take a picture you take it I’ve been with you numerous times and she take pictures she take pictures with now I take pictures with a lot of people as well but Tamar take pictures with people I wouldn’t even think that would come from you but you do why don’t you think that would come from me people you would think are Tamar fans yeah I know cuz Tamar I mean she’s a star she’s a big star and some people because I work with something that will not take pictures but U but you take pictures we were in Houston in Dallas you took pictures so I mean you don’t have that problem I just think it takes 3 seconds out of your day to make somebody’s day right so I mean I don’t know everybody has their own preference obviously this man has his own reasons but you know for me I don’t know I just I just find it this is somebody’s lucky day and how many other times are they going to get a chance to run into us I feel that sure all right y’all well it looks like Kyle Richard and Mauricio umansky are back together again well not okay okay not really back together but they did get together to surprise their youngest starter I know I’m sorry they got together to surprise porsa their youngest starter with a Porsche Cayenne Coupe for her 16th birthday oh you kidding me this car can range anywhere from 84,000 to $23,000 so only the best for Porsche she gets a Porsche uh do you think the luxury car here might be an apolog an apology for the family drama or is that just how they roll that’s just how they you know I wish that dadd is yeah yeah nice young lady 16 that’s the right age to get a Porsche oh um that’s a terrible first car y like you know because like people teenagers don’t know how to take care of cars and especially when you come from money you’re not worried about making sure you make your oil change appointments and all that stuff on time yo this yellow light’s been on I starting to like it you know like you know they you got to kind of give them something lighter but you know hey you got it you give a child like that a nice durable car nice reliable car okay and the yellow lights don’t come on those too often like a Honda Civic whatever you want to call it but that’s a great car honey if I had her money and she was my child she’d be driving it because she’s representing my family you do have her money and you’d have bought one of them cars anyway coming up you won’t believe baby what Lupita nanga had to endure baby to keep her throat oh her throat muscles strong detailed after the break neon go mg [Music] and we’re back he all right so being in a quiet place for Lupita nongo is not as hard as she makes it look in the film now during a recent interview with Seth Meers the actress reveals that she was diagnosed with vocal pops and if she didn’t keep silent and efforts to heal herself she would have had to go under the knife to fix it but that didn’t stop sis from popping out to go see t Swift and Beyonce and concert despite not being able to vocally communicate with people look at this you had to wear a note that said I am on a vocal rest yeah I made that at home yeah and then there’s a button here for your Beyonce outfit I I upgraded after a few months I was like I can make I can get someone else to make me a button so people would come over and if they’d ask you a question you would just sort of gesture yeah exactly cuz sometimes people fans thought I was being rude because I wouldn’t say anything I’d just be like it’s really de like that because you know it can definitely um add more damage to your vocal cords if you are speaking and you are on vocal rest like vocal rest is important never will button like Dad why not M would say my throat hurt oh Lord then people would have to like you know their imaginations would run wild vocal rest people know no damn vocal rest is yes they do they do but sometimes how you got there is the question that people like will dance with in their brain have you been on vocal r t yes I have quite often yeah from singing yeah and talking a lot if you you should try it you ever been on vocal rest you ever been on vocal rest I’ve never heard of it the other day I believe that maybe you should try it sometime okay guys can you believe it that’s all we have for now I know I know sad come back tomorrow for more dish we’ll see you guys later [Music] bye hey don’t forget to hit us up on social media we’re on all these platforms at Dish Nation we’ll see you there

Kim Kardashian’s 10-year plan for looking good is revealed, and find out why Anthony Mackie turns down fan pics! Plus, find out why Andre 3000’s Instagram remains empty, Billy Ray Cyrus’ divorce drama, and is Drake going country? Find out on today’s Dish Nation!

Dish Nation Hot Topics:

0:00 – Billy Ray Cyrus’ Divorce Drama with Firerose
1:29 – Is a The Golden Girls Reboot in the Works?
4:23 – Find Out Why Andre 3000’s Instagram is Empty
5:42 – Kim Kardashian’s 10-Year Plan for Looking Good

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