Trump PANICS & CRIES After Lady Gaga BRUTALLY DESTROYED Trump’s Career!

this is Lady Gaga I’m voting for America which means I’m voting for Joe Biden vote like your life depends on it or vote like your children’s lives depend on it so let me tell you a bit about what Lady Gaga did she’s all in for Joe Biden right she dropped this super honest video tearing down Donald Trump the guy who can’t get enough of the Village People it’s no surprise it’s buzzing all over social media again now is your chance to vote against Donald Trump a man who believes his Fame gives him the right to grab one of your daughters or sisters or mothers or wives by any part of their bodies vote for Joe he’s a good person thank you Lady Gaga you know Stephanie Joanne Angelina germinada really speaks her mind and uses her talent to boost others up she’s this amazing example of the American dream coming from a family of hardworking italian-americans who passed on their hustle to their daughters now she’s not just an icon artist and performer but also a powerful voice standing up for what she deeply believes in in this stirring video she put out she’s just magnetic shows her class and touches hearts and boy does she make it clear it’s time to get up bring all our hope and energy and really show up to vote like everything depends on it because it does [Music] I work for Lady Gaga the Trump campaign has found an unlikely rival in famous singer and songwriter Lady Gaga the singer all set to make an appearance at a Biden rally in Pittsburgh but Trump’s team used this information to accus Lady Gaga of being against fracking our next report tells you more the controversy began when it was announced that Lady Gaga would be joining Joe Biden at a drive-in rally in Pittsburgh Trump’s team slammed the joint appearance in a statement Trump campaign communications director Tim MTA said nothing exposes Joe Biden’s disdain for the Forgotten working men and women of Pennsylvania like campaigning with anti-fracking activist lady listen she’s being straight with us she knows how crucial places like Pennsylvania are in this election she’s calling on everyone to vote like their future their kids Futures depend on it and for all the women and men who care about their daughters sisters moms this is your chance to stand against Trump he thinks his Fame lets him do whatever he wants to women which is just horrible Lady Gaga is telling us to choose Joe Biden instead a genuinely good guy but here’s the thing in 2010 Trump tweeted I saw Lady Gaga last night and she was fantastic and I think I speak for everyone when I say the thought of trump dancing at a Lady Gaga concert is incredibly disturbing now let’s talk about why voting against Trump isn’t just political it’s personal his policies have hurt so many from screwing up the response to the epidemic rolling back women’s rights to ignoring climate change he’s put real lives at risk and it’s not the first time Gaga’s called out such nonsense back in 2016 she slammed Melania Trump for her anti-bullying talk when her husband is one of the biggest bullies out there the hypocrisy is just so clear even when the FBI found nothing on Hillary Clinton’s emails Trump kept crying fake news and claiming he was being witch hunted trying to distract from his own Shady stuff today more than ever Gaga’s message Rings true Trump’s words and actions have only divided us more giving more power to the extreme voices in our country black supporters power couple Beyonce and Jay basketball Superstar LeBron James and New Jersey senator Cory Booker we got to remember that when we stand together when we work together we win together President Obama was dispatched to Florida Today where black churches marked the final day of early voting with the tradition known as souls to the polls the Clinton Camp feels confident in Battleground Nevada after a surge of Hispanic voters in Las Vegas prompted officials to extend early voting for several hours this battle for America’s soul is ongoing and its voices like Gaga that remind us why we can’t just sit back we need to act to be part of the change and while Trump has left a legacy of pulling people apart the call now is to Rally together to build something better and more inclusive now switch gears to Dr Jill Biden and Hunter Biden scenario Jill showing up for her son in Delaware a stark contrast to melania’s absence during Trump’s trials it’s about showing up being there and while Dr Phil didn’t go full psychoanalysis on Trump in their prime time sitdown it’s clear Trump’s era was more about venting than Visionary leadership oh angry he was so agitated this morning the glasses were pouring off everything the masking kept on off on there’s nobody around him the closest person’s about 60 ft away a reporter that can’t believe he got this good location Inner Circle that’s supposed to be for VIPs right now he’s got Lady Gaga Lady Gaga he not too good I could tell you plenty of stories I could tell you stories about Lady Gaga I know a lot of stories about Lady Gaga saying I’m a liar I’ve lied in court yeah are you delusional I won the election and the polygraph result is that that was delusional now you don’t really think that you’re part dog and then there’s this whole mess about being complicit it his daughter Ivanka tried to spin it like it’s a good thing but come on we know that’s not what it means it’s about being involved in Shady stuff right now let’s talk about how this affects his family Melania his wife she’s really in a tough spot the media’s all over the details of Trump’s alleged Affairs and Shady dealings and Melania she’s out of the courtroom Loop learning about her husband’s messes from the news just like the rest of us imagine how rough that’s got to be for her on top of all that when Trump talks about these es he tries to make it sound like he’s some kind of martyr taking all the heat to protect others but honestly it’s clear he’s just trying to save his own skin he’s always played this game pretending to be the big man while he’s really just been blowing through his dad’s Fortune without showing much for it we become very good friends over a fairly short period of time uh I was in Saudi Arabia in May and we are bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars into the United States and we understand that and they understand that some of the things that have been approved and are currently under construction and will be delivered then there’s the Saudi connection it’s come out that Saudi Arabia has pumped billions into real estate deals beneficial to Trump highlighting potential conflicts of interests that could impact his policies this ties back to the broader concerns about Trump’s Administration potentially steering the US towards a sort of military dictatorship filled with vengeance and suppression Trump’s team slammed the joint appearance in a statement Trump camp campaign communications director Tim Mera said nothing exposes Joe Biden’s disdain for the Forgotten working men and women of Pennsylvania like campaigning with anti-fracking activist Lady Gaga Joe Biden will always prioritize the desires of the liberal Hollywood Elite and the radical left it’s pretty clear that the Republican party has had numerous opportunities to distance themselves from Trump’s more controversial actions but have largely chosen not to likely out of fear of alienating his base this refusal to act has only emboldened Trump and his supporters setting the stage for a 2024 campaign that many fear will only further divide and damage the country president Trump also took to Twitter and said just learned that sleepy Joe Biden is campaigning in Pennsylvania with Lady Gaga a proud member of Artists Against fracking this is more proof that he would ban fracking and Skyrocket your energy prices in her response to motto’s statement Lady Gaga laughed it off quite Lally and questioned what is a fracking MTO then thanked Lady Gaga for sharing the statement and bringing it to the notice of her 82 million followers however people in the comment section were only pouring love for the singer he should just shut up about Taylor Swift and you can tell he is scared of her you think Kaylor Swift comes out against Trump I don’t care if they write that I’m sad that I didn’t two years ago but I can’t change that I’m saying saying right now that this is something that I know is right and you guys I need to be on the right side of history and if he doesn’t win then at least I I at least I tried what do you have to say to Taylor Swift now that she’s in politics Taylor Swift jumping into politics what do you have to say to her and what did she say she said she wants people to vote for Democrats and not Marsha Blackbird especially you know well Marsha Blackburn is doing a very good job in Tennesseee she’s leading now substantially which she should she’s a tremendous woman I’m sure Taylor Swift has nothing or doesn’t know anything about her and uh let’s say that I like Taylor’s music about 25% less now okay Donald Trump should really stop talking about Taylor Swift it’s obvious he’s scared of her recently Taylor Swift spoke out against Trump and he reacted by insulting her on social media this isn’t surprising given Trump’s history of attacking people online it’s strange that a former president would behave this way constantly insulting people and setting a poor example for public discourse well I signed and was responsible for the music modernization act for Taylor Swift and all other musical artists there’s no way she could endorse crooked Joe Biden the worst and most corrupt president in our history of our country and be disloyal to the man who made her so much money just a few days ago Trump mocked Swift for supporting Joe Biden saying she endorsed a dope who doesn’t know how to get off a stage but what did Swift do to deserve this nothing really it’s just another one of Trump’s unprovoked attacks even if you don’t call out Trump for his hypocrisy or scandals you might still find yourself on his list of Targets in a powerful video Swift criticized Trump and the Republicans and her disapproval of Trump’s actions keeps growing Pop Princess yeah he’s basically saying that she’s beautiful but liberal so then you have a lot of swifties coming forward saying she’s so much more than beautiful she’s very talented and of course this is a fan base that you don’t want to mess with especially right for the presidential election so in this book the former president said I think she’s beautiful very beautiful I find her very beautiful I think she’s liberal she probably doesn’t like Trump I hear she’s very talented he then went on to say she is liberal or is that just an act she’s legitimately liberal he pondered it’s not an act it surprises me that a country star can be successful being liberal he then began again saying I think she’s very beautiful actually unusually beautiful and when asked if he liked her music trump said don’t know it well Swift’s criticism of trump is blunt and honest she regrets not speaking out sooner but is now determined to be on the right side of History Swift’s message is clear she opposes Trump’s stance on key issues like fairpay for women and protections against domestic abuse Mr Trump should Mr Trump should pay himself hush money he should just shut up about tayor Swift and you can tell he is scared of her you know Trump understands celebrity he understands the power of celebrity that’s how he got where he is M Swift is far more powerful as a celebrity than Donald Trump ever dreamed of being and so he’s clearly scared of her and uh I I I find that wonderful and amusing even though the comments about her appearance deeply creepy Trump’s policies are harmful and Swift can’t stay silent anymore she also calls out Trump’s discrimination against gay couples and his misuse of tennessy Christian values to justify his policies Swift a Christian from Tennessee knows these values don’t align with Trump’s actions he’s just talking Big Without Really meaning it Christians knew that Victory depended not only on the force of American Arms but also on the Faith in American hearts and we’ve got to get more of that back in our country today we really do have to get more of it back your institution was formed to give voice to an army of preachers and ministers and Faith leaders who fought every day to strengthen America with the good news of the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ Swift’s advocacy for voter registration is seen as a threat by Republicans because she doesn’t support their ideology they want to exclude young people and Swift’s fans but in the end they will be the ones to suffer the Republican party’s Relentless pursuit of power is damaging and they’ll attack anyone who doesn’t conform to their agenda even behind closed doors Trump’s strange comments about Swift have caus discomfort among both Democrats and Republicans for instance former Senator CLA mccal pointed out how bizarre it was that Trump in a meeting with Congress talked about whether Swift would endorse him it’s clear Swift Never Would and Trump’s obsession with her is just another self-inflicted wound and then the other thing I wanted to point out that nobody’s mentioned is I bet you a dime to a dollar that somebody on a coffee break during deliberations or why they’re eating dinner or lunch I bet somebody mentions that Melania never showed her face yeah Claire mccal and Taylor Swift share a vision for America that rejects Trump’s divisiveness and self-importance mcal with her extensive Public Service experience stands with Swift in advocating for a better more inclusive future she brings a lot of experience and a non-nonsense attitude that cuts through all the political drama to focus on what really matters her voice adds credibility and reminds us that true leadership is about serving the people not one’s ego on CNN host reacted to Trump’s creepy comments about Taylor Swift one host even joked that Trump should pay him self hush money to stop talking about her Trump knows the power of celebrity which helped him rise to fame but he’s scared of Swift because she’s a bigger celebrity than he could ever dream of being his comments about her appearance are just gross and show how out of touch he is I will focus on destroying your political career for the rest of my life I I by the way people who know me know when they have insulted close friends who have passed away I literally spent the next 20 years going out after them because well it’s wrong you just don’t let bullies beat up friends and family members yeah I watched that video um and my former colleagues were going uh power self-respect power self-respect okay I’ll go with power uh I’m not going to go with self-respect couple of things stood out to me about his meetings on the hill yesterday one uh did you see that awkward moment where Joanie Ernst was forced to kiss his cheek uh Katie Brit rushed him and you know of course was like oh I love you and hugged him and stuff and then he walks by joonie Ernst and he sticks his cheek out and Joanie kind of goes over there and has to Peck it and by the way there’s picture of Josh Harley uh I wish somebody would ask Josh Harley what he was running from that day on January 6 when the cameras caught him running and why was he running if he’s written a book on masculinity and how you be a man Trump has made some odd comments about Taylor Swift he’s tried to win her fans over by calling her unusually beautiful and questioning her political beliefs whoopy Goldberg got it right when she said this is just like him all about looks and not really getting it he’s too focused on how she looks ignoring her big achievements Joy Bahar mentioned that Trump’s constant talk about beautiful shows he can’t see beyond looks he can’t believe a talented woman like Swift wouldn’t Back Him showing just how shallow he is Trump is too caught up in Swift’s looks and overlooks her success as a musician and activist which is pretty sad he can’t grasp why she wouldn’t be on his side which really shows his narrow view Swift’s support for Biden in 2020 was a big deal she stood for social justice something Trump ignores he’s jealous and won’t admit her influence Beyond her looks showing his insecurity the hosts made fun of trump saying Swift is a better business person than him they joked about Melania marrying Swift instead poking fun at his view that success should naturally earn loyalty and so next week I am going to be calling this motion to vacate absolutely calling it I can’t wait to see Democrats go out and support a republican speaker and have to go home to their primaries and have to run for Congress again having supported a republican speaker Trump’s real problem is he doesn’t get that many in the country see things differently than him his comments about Swift hint at a deeper issue his refusal to accept diverse political views which only worsens The Divide in America Trump’s focus on women’s looks over their skills is out of touch and harmful it shows ongoing discrimination in high places and we need to keep fighting these outdated views the hosts of The View did great in pointing out Trump’s superficial remarks about Swift let’s look at Trump’s recent odd behaviors he commented on a 33-year-old movie showing he’s out of touch his Fitness for office is questionable yet it’s not really addressed he’s been known to make misleading claims like saying he brought back the auto industry in Michigan uh which isn’t quite true in his speeches he often goes off on tangents like talking about a sinking boat and a shark it’s clear he’s disconnected but his supporters don’t seem to mind Trump has tried to reach out to the black community but it often seems just for show his supporter margorie Taylor green gives extreme speeches that mirror the current state of his party which is more about him than real issues he’s not guilty if anybody’s guilty it’s Biden sorry so our former president Mr Donald Trump recently got himself a whole bunch of guilty verdicts 34 to be exact that’s not just breaking records that’s smashing them he outdid the 1971 to 72 Lakers who had a pretty impressive winning streak but hey they had basketball Legends like Wilt Chamberlain and Jerry West Trump he did it solo talk about going big now this verdict splashed down in New York City like a whale at SeaWorld making a massive Splash it was a historic day and let me tell you it’s going to fill up those history books oh and for those tuning in from Florida history books are those big papery things you used to see in school before your libraries turned into virtual reality zones the jurors blessed their hearts got a nod from the judge and a mysterious gift basket signed by none other than Melania T Melania wasn’t at the courthouse though she was probably busy browsing the summer sale at hatworld despite the Silence from her Corner the verdict has sparked a lot of chatter here’s where it gets even juicier Trump is still facing three more cases es each one spicier than the last this trial was just the appetizer the lowest hanging Mushroom on the tree if you will it’s a bit like if they nabbed OJ Simpson for speeding instead of you know that other thing the reaction from the Trump camp they’re spinning this like a win at the county fair imagine celebrating your guy getting pinned with 34 felonies as if it’s a blue ribbon for the best pumpkin at the fair the tributes are pouring in and some folks are comparing this to a pivotal cultural moment others are busy dreaming up bizarre tributes like Trump in cornrow because that’s obviously what you doodle when you’re bored at work meanwhile on the sidelines the GOP bigwigs are playing it cool pretending they don’t really care about the whole circus even those who aren’t Trump’s biggest fans are too chicken to peep against him remember Ted Cruz once said he wasn’t sure if he’d break or gas if he saw Trump through his rearview mirror but now they’re all lining up to kiss the ring or other parts now let’s chat about Trump’s press conference at Trump Tower picture this he’s rambling like the Tipsy best man at a wedding that’s doomed to fail Trump says if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone and by this he might mean whatever happened to his hair seriously he should consider a lawsuit against his hair stylist but here’s the kicker he’s sort of right they can do this to anyone who cheats with a porn star and then fudges business records to silence her all to snag a presidency oh congratulations Trump you finally figured out what you’re charged with then he switched gears to Total nonsense he claimed they want to hike your taxes for fourfold and ban cars yes like in The Flintstones imagine that walking everywhere with just your feet and oh the drama doesn’t stop there according to him the judges are snooping into every shady deal he’s ever sniffed at was he a bad boy here there everywhere you betcha back to his favorite tall tale the stormy Daniel Saga which he insists never happened nothing at all he says yep according to him Stormy Daniels crafted an elaborate plot time traveled back and set up an elaborate trap just to th his presidential dreams absolutely diabolical right now let’s not forget the classic hush money or As Trump likes to call it a non-disclosure agreement totally legal totally normal he claims I mean everyone has them right just everyday stuff so legal uh Records is only a felony well that’s a lot is only a they say a misdemeanor but they try and bring it up to a felony if there’s two crimes they have all these different things Trump’s out here saying everyone has not disclosure agreements like they’re the hottest Trend here you go have a legal document he might as well say while handing out candy on Halloween according to him even his grandmother was in on the ACT handing out these agreements like they were cookies and Bentley apparently those are as common as bicycles just like the head bonking hij Jinks you’d see on an episode of Gilligan’s Island according to Trump that kind of silliness is exactly how his speech went down today then in a Twist no one saw coming he branded himself a SLE bag while reminiscing about a wild scene at a McDonald’s involving a machete yes really and amidst all this chaos he found time to brag about shutting down a Russian Pipeline as if he single-handedly saved the day but wait it gets even crazier Trump then recounted a tale worthy of a kung fu movie claiming he wrestled with a karate black belt it’s like he’s trying to be an action hero in his own wild fantasy and through all this he insists he’s wired differently hinting that maybe just maybe Boeing should consider him for their next safety recall and then there is Trump’s lawyer Todd blanch who probably wishes he was anywhere else blanch had to explain why letting Trump testify would be like letting a bull loose in a china shop imagine blanch standing standing there like he’s desperately waiting for a bathroom while Trump is dozing off and making all sorts of noises during his own trial and really who names their lawyer and their dog Todd but don’t worry both Todds get a starring role in a short video we whipped up showcasing what might be the lowest point yet for the New York Court System it’s cold it is it’s wet yep it’s nasty yep what the hell brings you out here the truth Freedom we want our freedoms that’s what we’re here for Freedom nobody cares about the working class you don’t care about us you want your ratings on CBS and you want to lift up that idiot in the White House okay you’ve already made up your mind about me no I’m not saying you I’m sorry if you thought that I’m saying the media you have been lying to the American people long enough oh boy let’s talk about a big mess with Donald Trump and it’s kind of funny has a court date on July 11th and that’s super close to a big meeting for his party the Republican National Convention plus that’s the same day you can get free Slurpees at 7-Eleven at least there’s something for him to smile about now if you’re a convicted felon finding a good job can be tough but for trump it seems like being president might be the only job he could still get his team isn’t just sitting around though they’re actually using all this trouble to make a ton of money they said they got $34 million just because of this imagine making a million dollar for every problem you faced Trump probably wishes he had even more problems Trump’s campaign manager a guy named Chris Lita is acting kind of like a grumpy Santa he’s making a list of anyone who tries to take money from Trump’s supporters and he’s not being nice about it he’s telling everyone that the only person who can take money from Trump’s fans is Trump himself on TV over at Fox News they’re spinning a whole different story they’re blaming Joe Biden saying he’s using Trump’s problems to get money and saying it proves Biden is up to no good then they turn right around and ask people to give money to Trump to help him fight back it’s kind of confusing and a bit funny because they don’t even see the irony in what they’re saying meanwhile President Biden has been busy doing president things like meeting with the Kansas City Chiefs the football team that just won the Super Bowl they even gave him a helmet and he tried it on but had a hard time taking it off maybe he was just trying to find a funny way to deal with all the serious stuff going on Biden has been very clear about one thing the trial where Trump was found guilty was fair Trump can try to fight the verdict just like anyone else would be able to but shouting that everything is rigged just because you don’t like the outcome that’s not how things work here in America because Trump knows a thing or two about history the Battle of Gettysburg what an unbelievable I mean it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways now Trump is planning to go around raising more money talking about how everything will be terrible if he’s not in charge he used to say that if Biden won all these bad things would happen no more oil bad economy no school and that everyone would be stuck at home none of that happened in fact things like jobs and the stock market are actually doing pretty well it’s like Trump is better at making up scary stories than predicting the future click on the video on the screen to see more of Trump’s mistakes hi money it’s not hush money it’s called a non-disclosure agreement and most of the people in this room have a non-disclosure agreement with their company because it’s trump it was silence but deadly after 11 hours of deliberation the jury announced their verdict and now the judge has scheduled Trump’s sentencing for July 11th Donald Trump a man too often in the news finds himself cornered by the law found guilty on a whopping 34 counts related to hush money this isn’t just any headline it’s a moment for the history books Trump has become the first ever US president to be officially convicted of a crime that’s huge think about it historically even Martin Van Beren nearly faced charges for something as bizarre as rigging a horse can you picture that scenario so let’s rewind to that critical Thursday it’s late afternoon and everyone thinks the court will soon pause for the day the clock is nearing 4:30 p.m. Trump seems relaxed maybe even a little confident thinking that the long discussions in the court are probably in his favor however he’s unaware that things are about to take a dramatic turn and that’s the big news turning an ordinary evening into a landmark moment in history Donald Trump was tentatively optimistic believing that the longer the jury took to deliberate the better his chances were but suddenly the mood shifted dramatically the jury Foreman handed a note to the judge indicating they had reached a verdict instantly Trump’s smile faded replaced by tension the courtroom previously buzzing with Whispers fell eerily silent except for a few shocked gasps echoing through the space this silence was particularly significant because it involved Trump a figure whose trials have captured widespread attention after an intense 11 hours of deliberation the jury’s decision was clear Trump was a convicted felon his sentencing was scheduled for July 11th setting the stage for a very eventful time just 4 days after the sentencing the Republican National Convention was to begin and there was real spe speculation about whether Trump might have to participate from prison imagine the Republican National Convention broadcast from a prison setting Trump potentially giving his acceptance speech from a cell joined by characters like his cellmate spider a guard known for smuggling Contraband and a keynote speech perhaps humorously envisioned to be given by the warden they even joked about serving prison-made toilet wine during the cocktail hour with the sentencing date over a month away the tension and anticipation build the show’s host introduces a comedic element by creating a countdown to sentencing with an advent calendar marking each day leading up to this unusual event the drama escalated the day after Trump’s conviction when he publicly expressed his dismay in the lobby of Trump Tower he dramatically claimed that his conviction was a sign that this could happen to anyone attempting to highlight a perceived Injustice in his conviction his Outburst was a mix of defiance and a warning that in America no one is exempt from the law regardless of their wealth or status this episode serves as a poignant reminder of the reach of the legal system emphasizing that it spares no one based on their social or financial standing as the days tick down to July 11th massively convicted felon Donald felon Trump also complained about the judge who oversaw the trial where he was convicted you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel but he’s really a devil he looks so nice and soft nice nice and soft does he think of the judge of the Pillsbury Dough Boy he looks like a delicious Angel but his cans are full of lies he says no folks he says this is eight cinnamon rolls but there’s only enough icing for three of them it’s it’s the work of Satan now the people at Cinnabon they’re absolute Saints the anticipation of Trump’s sentencing adds a surreal element to the already dramatic political landscape showcasing a moment in history where a former president faces the reality of Life post conviction let’s dive into the story about Donald Trump being a convicted felon it’s interesting to note that despite being incredibly wealthy and influential Trump ended up in a tricky situation that showed that even the rich and Powerful can’t escape the law it’s like a reminder from a tough old saying if you’re not ready to face the consequences better stay away from wrongdoing Trump who now carries the title of a convicted felon openly criticized the judge who was in charge of his trial he described the judge as someone who might appear in innocent and kind almost Angelic or like the Pillsbury Doughboy soft and sweet but according to Trump this appearance was deceptive he considered the judge to be a Devil in Disguise administering what he saw as unfair treatment this scenario was likened to getting a Cinnabon cinnamon roll that promises a generous topping of icing only to find it barely covers the tree no one enjoys that kind of disappointment furthermore Trump chose not to testify in his own defense during the trial he argued that the judge was too invasive ready to scrutinize every single aspect of his past life Trump felt like the judge wanted to reveal every minor fault or mistake painting a picture of Trump’s life filled with tiny errors here and there much like finding faults at every turn amidst these challenges Trump also gave an interview on Fox Search light where he spun narratives about his previous campaigns especially regarding his rival Hillary Clinton and the infamous lock her up chant Trump insisted he never started that chant himself but claimed it was spontaneously picked up by the crowd his version of events continues to stir controversies and discussions much like being promised eight cinnamon rolls and then finding out there isn’t enough icing for them all through all these dramatic episodes Trump’s stories continue marked by a blend of defiance and denial crafting a vivid Tableau of his people said Locker up that was your whole campaign stop it we remember we were there it’s like if ARB said we never said we have the meats the people said we have the meats also if you didn’t say it then who’s this D ongoing legal and media battles it’s like if Arby suddenly claimed they never said we have the meats yet everyone clearly remembers them saying it Trump’s situation Echoes this during his campaign there was a notorious chant Locker up directed at Hillary Clinton now Trump insists he didn’t start that chant attributing it instead to the crowd’s fervor yet in a Twist he jokingly claims he was referring to actress Hillary Swank not Clinton which is clearly a deflective joke regarding Hillary Clinton lock her up you declined to do that that as president I beat her it’s easier when you win and they said L and I felt and I could have done it but I felt it would have been a terrible thing and then this happened to me and so I may feel differently about I can’t tell you I can I’m not sure I can answer the question facing serious legal issues Trump is on the verge of sentencing which could vary from being confined at home to serving time in jail when questioned about how he feels facing these potential outcomes Trump expressed a sort of resignation but speculated that the public might not react well to seeing him incarcerated He suggests it would be difficult for his supporters to accept during a public appearance Trump directly engaged the audience questioning them about their thoughts on him possibly going to jail the response was loud Applause indicating that at least some people are quite pleased with the idea of him facing jail time the public opinion on Trump is sharply divided according to recent surveys 50% of Americans think Trump is guilty 30% believe believe he is innocent and 20% seem undecided jokingly described as too preoccupied with trivial Pursuits to form an opinion moreover another poll indicates that 51% of respondents feel Trump should end his attempts to return to the presidency this data reflects a nation deeply engrossed in and divided by the ongoing drama and controversies of a former president who has found himself entangled in legal troubles this paints a vivid picture of a community closely watching and reacting to the developments of a high-profile figure whose actions continue to stir significant public discourse and opinion it seems there’s a lot of discussion and speculation about whether or not Trump could face legal consequences for his actions so let’s imagine what could happen if Trump actually ends up being labeled a felon there’s a poll from ABC and ipsos and they even brought Little Debbie Swiss Rolls into it which adds a quirky twist according to this poll just over half of the voters around 51% believe Trump did something illegal on purpose another 12% think he did something wrong but didn’t mean to it was like an accidental slip up not something he planned if Trump is found guilty he will have to sit down for a probation interview they’ll ask him about his past his mental health and the details of why he’s in this situation it’s kind of expected that the interview might reveal some funny results especially concerning his mental health test imagine them telling him it came back negative now depending on what the judge decides Trump could be looking at up to 4 years in jail but there’s also a chance he might not go to jail at all instead said he might end up doing community service like cleaning up graffiti that would be quite the image wouldn’t it Trump with a scrub and bucket wiping graffiti off walls this whole story is like something out of a movie full of suspense and a dash of Comedy it’s hard to predict exactly what will happen next Will trump be seen cleaning up the streets or will he be spending some time in jail we’re all on the edge of our seats waiting to see how this dramatic tale will unfold let’s break down the situation around Donald Trump in New York City it seems someone decided to spray some rude words on a bunch of buildings obviously this is not something you want young kids to see in the midst of this chaos Trump who has been officially declared a convicted felon had the option to do some good by engaging in community service he could have chosen to work with a nonprofit organization but given his history with Ventures like Trump casino and Trump University which didn’t exactly flourish financially that might not have been the most promising Choice despite Trump’s legal issues and his conviction his steadfast followers known affectionately as the Maga crowd stood strong outside the courthouse they remained hopeful strongly believing in the possibility that Trump could successfully challenge his conviction among them was a peculiar supporter nicknamed hungry Santa who stood out with his unique approach to showing support adding a Whimsical twist to the situation much like a character from a festive tale hoping for a miracle at the same time there’s another high-profile figure making news rert Murray do despite being 93 years old he recently celebrated a major life event by marrying for the fifth time the ceremony was Grand reminiscent of a scene where one might expect more solemnity giving it a rather unusual flare what have you learned from Trump supporters oh that’s a big ass I I I I will say still going to these events now they are a circus for anyone who attends they seem smaller and they seem more bitter supporter absolutely I was a Republican and I was wrong that day for even being there January 6 was an insurrection keep your voice down this is a trump rally that’s not the most popular take to have right now Jordan ker had a blast when he noticed empty seats at a trump speech he turned it into pure comedy gold with his sharp wit klepper pointed out the difference between Trump’s big talk about huge crowds and the reality of those Empty Chairs what Trump doing here on this shirt this is his mug shot gotcha so that was taken when he surrendered to authorities to have his picture taken huh it says Never Surrender but is that on the back is the butt let me see the back let me see the back butum it’s just Trump so where’s the where’s the butt part is that that’s impli this set the stage for a hilarious segment where klipper playfully mocked Trump for the lack of supporters it wasn’t just funny it was a clever jab at how Trump’s bold claims often don’t match up with the truth the whole scene was a perfect mix of humor and critique showing off Clipper’s talent for blending comedy with sharp commentary I’ve loved everything that he is implemented in the past so I love if we could put that back into office to keep that going like what stuff um I like border control yeah yeah that’s a big point should be working to fix what’s happening at the boorder it feels like Congress is just sitting on their hands right now doing nothing yes they brought up a bill to do something and Trump said no freaking way why was that a good idea I don’t know Trump supporters are a breed on their own Jordan klepper recently talked to a a big Trump supporter on a busy street this guy really wanted Trump back in office to handle border control which he thought Congress was ignoring but when Jordan asked simple questions about why Trump’s decisions were good the supporters answers got all mixed up what’s what’s going on here this is shorts so swim trunks swim I got to say it’s a unique placement of his his M area he tried to defend Trump but his explanations were confusing making the whole thing pretty funny Jordan’s gentle teasing showed how some people support leaders without really understanding why the supporter’s struggle to explain turned into a comedy bit even he laughed at his own mixed up answers Trump said they’re poisoning the blood of our country Trump kind of speaks in uh allegories what he’s talking about is the blood of the country’s been tainted people have come here and immigrated it’s a different story and they don’t know our American history and our values nor do they respect it so when he says poisoning our country it sounds harsh it sounds much nicer in the original German yeah yeah there Jordan ker chatted with more Trump supporters about Trump’s statement they’re poisoning the blood of our country the supporters interpreted this as an allegory about immigration suggesting that immigrants are changing American culture and values without respecting its history one supporter explained that Trump’s words while harsh are meant to highlight cultural changes due to immigration now Trump used to brag about his you know 10,000 people 12,000 people we kept 10,000 people outside as far as the eye can see they believe Trump uses strong language to draw attention to these issues klepper humorously pointed out the extremity of such rhetoric comparing it to past harsh language this interaction highlights how Trump’s supporters justify and soften his strong statements to fit their beliefs about immigration and cultural preservation of this case is that Trump allegedly paid stormy daniels’s hush money to cover up their Affair just before the 2016 election and today Stormy Daniels told us exactly what all that money was hushing starting from the very beginning of the night Donald Trump invited her for dinner in his hotel room in this snippet from his show klepper is at the New York courthouse covering the Stormy Daniels hush money case involving Trump the scene however is far quieter than the chaos Trump had anticipated Fidelity matters Fidelity matters have fun in there inside with Donald Trump this subdued atmosphere is a sharp contrast to the usually charged environment at Trump rallies or significant events like the January 6th Riot which klepper also covered decided to come on in get the pictures taken get the cameras pointed at her and get a retweet by Donald Trump so I think that was a big win for her you start to see this you’re like okay here are the people who see this as an opportunity less as an opportunity to show fty to Donald Trump and more an opportunity to get attention for showing fty Clipper’s run-ins with Trump supporters show just how loyal they are at a rally in South Carolina he finds that Trump’s fans are fine with giving him dictator Powers a wild idea Trump mentioned but said he’d only use on his first day klepper with with a mix of disbelief and humor asks a supporter if she’s okay with Trump being a king her serious yes met with klepper’s clear sarcasm highlights the big divide in American politics Trump has been talking right now about he says he he thinks he should be immune from the actions he takes while pres you think he should have total immunity uh otherwise everyone’s going to jail you’re fine with Trump as king yes Trump as king is good yep that’s about as American as you can get yes it is King Trump yes Clipper also talks about how some Trump supporters see Trump’s shocking and racially charged statements as hidden messages this shows not just loyalty but a willingness to twist his words to fit a story that matches their views turning outrageous remarks into metaphors for deeper meaning has always always played in a hyperboy and and a Donald Trump speech is full of every point of view known to man which I think is a defense mechanism but it’s uh he will he will ask you to be there it will be wild he will get up there on January 6 and talking about figh like hell he will also spew stuff about peace he will also degrade people he will like he will say all the things you could possibly say recently there was this event where videos and photos started popping up all over showing lots of empty seats at Trump’s rally social media had a field day people were sharing clips and pics of those lonely blue chairs it must have been a site that gave the former president quite the headache and this is a now imagine Trump who’s all about big numbers and packed houses stepping up to speed and seeing a sea of emptiness that’s got to sting right he’s out there giving it his all and there’s just not the crowd he expected it’s like throwing a big party and half the guests don’t show up ouch that could happen I don’t know that the public would stand it you know I don’t I’m not sure the public would stand for it uh with AED house arrest I think I think it would be tough for the public to take you know at a certain point there’s a breaking point but here’s where it gets even juicier Trump never want to shy away from a challenge goes on about how his events are always packed how he never has empty seats he’s been pretty vocal calling out what he says is fake news for Under reporting his crowd sizes Donald Trump said he’ll be a dictator day one what do you think of that is that a good idea let’s get it done let’s get in and get it done let’s go he’s not going to be like a Hitler dictator no more like a a melini dictator for a day exactly put the people in place a dictator can do that right it could put people in place AB the good people are over here the bad people over here in the G at this point is what America needs he insists he’s still got the magic touch when it comes to pulling in the crowds but those empty seats tell a different story don’t they and you know what this whole empty seat drama isn’t just a one-time oopsie it seems to be happening more than just once at different events different places same story rows and rows of nobody and this election is over based on what they’ve done I would have every right to go after them it’s become kind of a a running theme and it’s not doing him any favors especially with all the legal stuff he’s dealing with it’s like on top of all the court dates and headlines he’s also got to worry about filling seats so what’s the deal with the empty seats some folks say it’s because people are just not as Keen to turn up anymore maybe they’re tired maybe it’s the controversies or maybe it’s just a sign of Changing Times oh his rally was huge you can even say big Le God it’s going to be loud it’s going to be loud loud inside it’s going to be crazy I mean it’s kind of quiet and businesslike outside yeah but it’s a party in the back whatever it is it’s definitely a Twist in the tail for someone who used to pack Arenas like no other people are feeling a little bit wounded a little bit behind the gun I think since this Trump conviction as well like people are angry and so what started as like Rah were a part of this uh through all this Trump’s trying to keep his chin up claiming big successes and trying to brush off the Nosh shows but those empty seats they don’t lie they kind of whisper the truth about shifting support about a base that might not be as rock solid as it once was the idea is just to stop Trump I’m a republican on my life but I cannot support Trump it’s a visual no one can ignore not even Trump

Trump PANICS & CRIES After Lady Gaga BRUTALLY DESTROYED Trump’s Career!


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