Paparazzi are often hired by celebs and their pr teams.

Posted by Anxious_Catch_2024


  1. idk how more people don’t realise this, basically any time a celeb looks dressed up, well posed on the streets “casually” hiding their faces the paps have been hired. Especially the pics that they post on their own social media.

  2. InviteSalty9125 on

    And then they cry at the same time because they have no privacy and paps stalking them, so ridiculous…it‘s all about headlines and attention. I can‘t take celebs seriously. So stupid

  3. Screaming_Weak on

    I don’t think this is really shocking info for the 2020s. It’s been at least this way for the past decade/when Instagram started to take off and celebrities started to control their narrative more.

    Thankfully, we’re far removed from the 2007 days when people like Britney would be hounded by 100 paparazzi at the gas station when all she wanted to do was fill up her car or whatever. In those days, it was 100% raw and insane

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