Beck on Getting Denied Entry to a Party with Paul McCartney & Bringing Leaf Blowers on Stage

our next guest is an eight time Grammy winning musician who’s embarking on his first ever orchestral tour including a stop at the Hollywood Bowl on July 6 with the LA philarmonic please welcome back [Applause] [Music] hello be how are you good to see you good to see you yeah you know last time I saw you NE my next door neighbor’s house that’s right yeah that’s right yeah it was a party when was that I’m going to say it was five years ago right before Co before Co yeah and uh and I was kind of thought there’s Beck we were talking on the stairs that we were talking on the stairs good memory and you gave me your email address that’s right which I still remember but you never the most Canadian email address I’ve ever I won’t I won’t say what it is was take off you hoser who no it wasn’t that that’s Bob and Doug no but it but you never by the way you never emailed me so thanks I was going to email and it was Co and it was like is that awkward to you’re a real scientist aren’t you you think you can’t email during Co well I wanted to email the hang out oh hang yeah we couldn’t hang out can hang out well but we’re hanging out now we’re hanging out now yeah um it is an amazing amazing career that you’ve had it’s an unbelievable career and I was reading about you uh recently like an hour ago and no that’s Wikipedia no but I was reading about like at at 19 you just go to New York without any money or on a hopes with just it’s it’s unbelievable it’s ridiculous does it seem naive now or would you do the same thing I guess I guess it takes a little naive to to do what we do you know in a way to sort of believe that you can come up with something or you can make something that people like and and how long were you really really poor it was an eternity yeah no I mean was like your first record was about 5 years later yeah it’s probably about 5 years later I was about 23 I think yeah and and I I love this story to tell the story about how you were a folk singer but grunge was popular so you had vent some I decided to be a folk singer at the worst time to be a folk singer like folk singing had had its Heyday like 30 years before yeah and I was like I was like a one man like let’s bring it back come on let’s do this banjo’s anybody and uh and uh yeah know so I would play folk music at the you know bars and clubs and uh it was pretty much the grunge era it was you know how loud you could be was you know your your badge of honor and uh so so people would be like you know like what what’s this folks acoustic guitar you know wasn’t cool um so people would talk through my you know my shows and uh you know it was hard to get their attention so I had this show was actually down here on hollyood Boulevard a place called rajie and uh I got this idea to come out on stage with a leaf blower so I covered the stage with leaves and then un I feel really bad about this actually CU um if you live in LA you know there’s leaf blowers everywhere I mean leaf blowers there’s battalions of them marching down the street you know like it’s like it’s it’s what you wake up in the morning like in a normal City you hear birds But Nelly you hear leaf blowers no no there’s not one moment there is a Lea here it’s omnipresent so so I I turned it on the only place I could turn this thing on was in the lady’s bathroom cuz it was right next to the stage there was no backstage so I did let it rip back there and and did it help you it there’s the fumes of it are just horrible I mean no I’m not mean did the fumes help you I’m saying did the noise the fumes hit me the fumes hit me I came out I blew the leaves on the audience and you know and I got their attention it was performance art performance art but you were still doing um the answer my friend blowing in yeah exactly Leaf blowing in the wind yeah and then so so I were you were about 25 when you had your first hit yeah I think I was 22 22 so you that was and it was a weird one cuz we put it out we took it all the labeles they didn’t want it so then we gave it uh my friends put it out themselves like 500 copies and then it just some like organically got on the radio and it went number one and then I got a record deal so kind of everything was backwards and I kept seeing you on TV saying look how well David Spade is doing you know I I still get that of course I was walking down the street in New Orleans and and some tours like look honey it’s David Spade and now You’ got to hang with the hippest most powerful musicians in the world you perform with everybody there was a clip when was this it was Oscar night or something with McCartney when did that happen oh yeah Paul McCartney tell that story about you go to a we no it was the Grammys we were going to a Grammys party we were we were together it was a brass band playing the New Orleans jazz band and uh he said my wife wants to go dancing so I said I think Mark Ronson is dejing we could go dance there so we go to Hollywood and we we had the wrong address so we’re like this place looks like it could be so we go to the place and it was all like Gates closed doors are closed he’s rattling on the gate like hello and uh and then we circle around go to another bar it’s locked we can’t find and then we see some people and some SUVs we’re like okay that’s the party and we go up and Paul’s like um can we come in just and in the dorment says nope not going in we actually have a clip of this can we show this here do you have a favorite I how VIP do we go again sir Paul there’s no way they just they rejected you from guys just back up please thank you where are you going to go now what that’s crazy baby all right are that was Woody and and Taylor Hawkins right what’s that Taylor Hawkins I think yeah yeah Woody um well okay and then you’re doing this does this happen to you by the way what the VIP get into the the party oh I’ve gotten rejected so many times I get turned away all the time yeah s you’ve never been rejected from part th% A th% it takes me 3 hours to even look like this and I don’t want to look like this I would to be ni her house she has a great house I wouldn’t leave your house if I if I was you well I don’t so there you and all right well tickets to Beck’s orchestral tour are on sale right now at and we’ll be back with music from Beck [Applause]

Beck talks to Guest Host Martin Short and Selena Gomez about the first time he met Marty, deciding to be a folk singer during the worst time to be a folk singer, using a leaf blower on stage to get the attention of the crowd, getting confused for David Spade, and being denied entrance to a party with Paul McCartney.

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Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy® nominated “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” ABC’s late-night talk show. “Jimmy Kimmel Live” is well known for its viral video successes, with over 16 billion views and more than 19 million subscribers on the show’s YouTube channel. Some of Kimmel’s most popular comedy bits include Celebrities Read Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Halloween Candy YouTube Challenge, Jimmy and Cousin Sal pranking Aunt Chippy and music stars like Rihanna and Dua Lipa surprising Jimmy in the middle of the night.


  1. This man made the album that best encompasses what the 90’s and Generation X sounded like in a blender and represented. Odelay. Irreverent, sardonic, brilliant.

  2. I remember the tiny women's bathroom at Raji's (before Beck's time there). It was a few feet across from the stage, so the band would watch you walk in front of the stage and go in the door – or worse, stand in line waiting to go in. So embarrassing. I would have loved to have seen him blow leaves at the audience, though.

  3. Wow Beck sounds so different In person then on record🤯 He's definitely in his own lane😊 I love artists that just go by their name🥰 I truly feel he's on the same level as Prince and David Bowie because he always reinvents himself each album and he's still very relevant and more iconic🙌

  4. He keeps having scientologists on this week! I don't even think the majority of people know he's scientologist. He was raised into it so he knows nothing else unless he has escaped since then to try to think for himself

  5. He literally looks not a thing like David Spade what the hell he looks exactly like Michael cera, but that's been known for many many many many years

  6. So people think Beck looks like David Spade or Michael Cera?
    When Beck was with Paul McCartney trying to get into the club, he looked like
    Jack McBrayer! Check out 6:30

  7. @the 3:28 minute mark: Beck's Leaf Blower story at Raji's on Hollywood Blvd….actually happened. I was at that show in 1993. The fumes from the blower did get kind of bad. Raji's was a small hole in the wall place below street level, so no windows. Dark and small. But a great place to see shows over the years (80's to early 90's).

  8. True story, bought an Epiphone acoustic from Beck when he was like 17 & a I (very naive) 24 through the Recycler newspaper which is how bands did stuff. Drove over to Silver Lake w/$ in my shoe, him and a pal were hanging in the basement. "Want to hear some songs?" "No, thanks, gotta go." Can't even count how many times people tried to swipe that thing lol

  9. Selena was so respectful as always.. leaving her chaif for beck and quietly listening to the entire conversation and giving beck his moment. She is such an angel

  10. Being in high school in the mid nineties, Beck was one of our music gods. He was always a step ahead of everyone else, and always marched to his own drum. A true artist for the ages. ❤

  11. Called my brother in LA and as we talked a leaf blower came by his window. “Let me go to another room “ he says. A few moments later, another leaf blower. He said that’s how it is. 🤔

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